my 1st fishbreath rapidly


New Member
I just bought my 1st fish Damsel yesterday. He breath rapidly. something wrong with my water. I test the water
4 feet tank, 10kg LR, corel,purple urchin, pistol shrimp, few snails.
I just finish my cycling aroung more than 2 weeks now. I use live shrimp to cycle. during this cycle few of my snails and shrimp died. a week ago I bought LR(I don't know is it cure or uncured) but my tank smell yukk...once I put LR on it. Is this normal?
My Damsel is hiding, I thing he's dying soon. he breath very fast as if he got a hard attack. Someone help me...I'm afraid to put another fish again.


Active Member
How did you put the fish in the tank?...if you accimilated him slowly and correctly it is quite normal for the fish to hide and breath heavily he is just stressed would you feel if someone ripped of the roof of your house scooped you out, put you in a bag and then dumped you in another house ....just turn your lights off and leave him be for a couple of days.


Active Member

Originally posted by rockyanvil
Yup I dump it to the tank

Real bad idea, you are very lucky it was a damsel if you did this to any other fish it would be DEAD already....if you are getting into this hobby, for the sake of all living species please do some research so that you do not blatently kill innocent creatures.
As for the smell in your tank. How long has the tank been set up?...sounds like it has not yet you test your water for Ammonia, Nitrites and Nitrates?...if you do (i pray you do) what are the results?


New Member
I test the water yesterday. the result as the 1st post above. its been for 2 weeks 4 days now. But I just put LR a week ago. I put the fish yersterday this morning he still hiding and breath heavily.


Active Member

Originally posted by rockyanvil
But I just put LR a week ago.

When you added the live rock IMO you kicked your tank into another cycle. Additionally your tank smelling bad and having near perfect water conditions would suggest that your test kits may be inaccurate because of age or something. I would suggest taking a sample to your LFS and have them test it.(a second oppinion from a board guru would be nice) Thomas, bang, Kip you out there?:help:


New Member
Thanks for your help. I just want to make clear bout my tank. it really make me confuse. I test the water looks fine for me..I will make another test water later on.


Your LR is not cured yet. If it smells then you probly have a couple week until it cures. You can take it out and put it in a new bucket with some salt water and PH until it cures. When it doesn't smell then you can test the water to be sure it is safe for your tank. You should do water change twice a week for your lr.