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  1. nano reefin

    96watts of lighting

    Would 96watts be okay on a 10 gal. tank?
  2. nano reefin

    Realux retrofit kit (2x55w)

    Does anyone know anything about these lights, I was thinking about getting them for my 20gal. Long... http://www.***********.com/
  3. nano reefin

    CPR Aquafuge Hang on 18" Refugium on a 20Gal. Long?

    Would it be okay to place an 18" CPR Aquafuge hang on Refugium on a 20gal. Long? Or would there be too much weight hanging on the back of the tank? The dimensions are 19" L x 4.5" W x 12" H. Thanks in advance!
  4. nano reefin

    Skimmer and Refugium

    Hmm.. I have soo many conflicting opinions on this one.. I went to 4 LFS's and 1/2 said yes, 1/2 said no. I come here and 1 says yes while the other says no.. So basically it's 3 to 3... anyone else care to share their thoughts on this? And yes, I'm setting up a Reef tank.
  5. nano reefin

    Skimmer and Refugium

    I'm planning on setting up a 20 Gallon Reef and was wondering if a skimmer would be needed if I was using a refugium..
  6. nano reefin

    Picture of my 7 gal. tank

    Thanks for the nice comments. The tank is an "Alife" 7 gallon with 27watt pc lighting. It has a built in filtration system but I only run it with filter floss. My nano's been up and running since February of this year and so far so good. :D
  7. nano reefin

    Picture of my 7 gal. tank

    Hi everyone, just wanted to share a picture of my 7 gallon nano reef. :D
  8. nano reefin

    Live Rocks And Sand During Cycle??

    I agree, go fishless!
  9. nano reefin

    What temp do you keep your tank at??

    Mine stays constant at 80.8, rarely going higher or lower.