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  1. scottyok


    I came home from work today to find my beautiful FlameAngel laying on his side in the final throws of his life. This caught me completely off guard as he's shown no difficulties. Eats great, swims great, not fighting with any tankmates. Just bought a new test kit this week and all levels...
  2. scottyok

    Hey me again with a FW Question

    Is the M,W,F feeding deal I mentioned out of line?
  3. scottyok

    Dumb Things I've Heard At My LFS

    OK Susan, I don't know what happened for sure other than the Angel picked at the Coral beauty to death, and it was in a 95gallon tank. Maybe the flame angel is super territorial on account it's had the place to himself and existing tank mates for several years. In fact, I sat in panic as a...
  4. scottyok

    Dumb Things I've Heard At My LFS

    me: "I have blah blah blah fish and a Flame Angel, I'm thinking about purchasing this here Coral Beauty. Any thoughts?" LFS dude: "Nope, sounds good... cash or credit?" Jump forward a few days after I've removed the carcass of the Coral Beauty and start reading and find "Never put any...
  5. scottyok

    Something unknown swimming around my tank

    thanks for the information. I went to some web sites and found alot of information about them and the life cycles. The only thing I didn't find was whether they are photosensitive and hid after the light came on or got eaten that quickly.
  6. scottyok

    Hey me again with a FW Question

    I don't know where you get the impression that someone is nagging you (even read the posts twice). Anyway, I have a 55 gallon FW tank that remains sparkly clear after I took the advise of a local fish store "pro". He only feeds his fish Mon, Wed, and Fri. I've taken to that habit in both my...
  7. scottyok

    Something unknown swimming around my tank

    So I get home from work late tonight and turn on my tank lights to admire my new "cleanup crew" at work. I notice a bunch (maybe like 50) white 'spots' moving around the tank and while really looking closely I see that they are actually alive! They are about the size of the end of a blunt...
  8. scottyok

    OT: Is this tank safe?

    I broke the top brace on my 55 fresh water tank almost 8 years ago. After noticing the bowed front and the broken brace with a 1/4 inch gap between the break I drilled holes on either side of the break and put some heavy gauge plastic coated wire (from inside romex) to close it up. I check it...
  9. scottyok

    OT: Calling all "Okies"

    I'm sorry but I can't resist... I must post this seeing as how we're all Okie's here. GO SOONER'S!
  10. scottyok

    Turbo Snails

    My snails are hanging around the top of the tank also but I've noticed they're looking out the window at your snails across the street. Maybe your snails are in heat. :eek:
  11. scottyok

    OT: Calling all "Okies"

    I've also replied:D
  12. scottyok

    Pygmy Angels

    I inherited a 90 gallon tank already established with numerous fish including a Flame Angel. Went to the local fish store and without doing any research myself asked the guy if this "Coral Beauty" is compatible with my fish and brought it home. The fight between the two of course began and I...