Search results

  1. newty

    Drilling anti-siphon holes

    Hello, I have completed the overflow (U-tube) slash return system. I want to drill anti-siphon holes in my return pipes (I have the return split into 2 pipes). Anyways, where do I drill the holes and how big do you recommend them to be? Do I drill the holes where the pipes are submerged in the...
  2. newty

    On-going Disagreement, need help

    I've had a tank where the Icecap 660 ballast went out, but had 2 actinic VHO bulbs on a W7 going for about 1.5 months. In that time, I did not bother to scrape the glass, and I had amazing coralline growth. So, in my experience with good water quality, you can get away with actinic VHO lights...
  3. newty


    Try some hammertone sheets. If you can, try to angle the sheets such that the lights are reflected to the tank instead of laying the sheets flat against the canopy. Works extremely well. Do not bother with mylar as it is a very difficult task to remove salt buildup. Newty.
  4. newty


    Can someone provide me with an audio transcript of that flash? I am deaf... Newty.
  5. newty

    MH and Eggcrate

    i believe that someone on this board, i cannot recall who, mentioned that there is a more expensive variety of eggcrate that allows for better light transmission. i believe that it is concaved. so, instead of a conservative figure of 25 percent of the light is blocked, it can be somewhere...
  6. newty

    air in U pipe

    as magnus042 stated, drill a hole at the highest point of the u-tube, and attach it to a powerhead. you do not need to keep it attached all the time. i simply have a hole that is sealed, and whenever i notice that there is air bubbles accumulating, i hook up a venturi line to the powerhead to...
  7. newty

    i cant find flexible tubing for the life of me

    you can get some clear acrylic tube, fill it with sand, apply heat in the area you wish to bend, bend, empty the sand, and voila, an acrylic u-tube! hope that helps.
  8. newty

    Shells and rock from beach

    boil 'em, expose them to uv, bake them, put them through freeze-thaw-bioling cycles, autoclave them etc. either of those are fine. me personally, boiling for 15 min is good enough. if you are paranoid, bake at 450 degrees for however long. you will kill everything!
  9. newty

    Mandarin thread

    we get them shipped from a supplier in california. i think that there is only one vendor that raises and sells blackworms at the moment. there used to be more than one, but they have folded. i cannot remember the vendor name off the top of my head (our animal care technician will know it...
  10. newty

    Mandarin thread

    my 0.02 here: feed them blackworms (Lumbriculus variegatus). here at the research facility, we feed salamanders, frogs, zebrafish and other carnivorous aquatic species blackworms, as they have one of the highest nutritional value of live foods out there. they are easy to propagate, maintain and...
  11. newty

    What's your JOB?

    i got a masters in cellular and molecular biology, and am going for my PhD in human and molecular genetics. i am hoping to work in industry at the end, but it is quite difficult to get into considering that there is not much of a biotech boom in canada. have to go to the states for a better shot...
  12. newty

    MH and Eggcrate

    i recall someone mentioning that the eggcrate melted over a period of time, looking like stalactites. i believe that the bulb was less than 3 inches from the eggcrate. newty.
  13. newty

    My Diy EuroReef

    shoot, gave the wrong email address, which is probably why i did not recieve anything! it is: beug12sb(at) thanks again!
  14. newty

    best method of altering acrylic sheets

    well, the bends i want to make are 7" wide, so i am not heating such a large area. as for the oven, i am hestitant of using it to 'cook' acrylic. was there any fumes enemating from the acrylic when you did that? secondly, where did you pick up the heating element from? newty.
  15. newty

    powerhead placement

    can you provide more info about your reef. something like rock placement, how much rock you have, corals, etc? in my 75 gallon, i have 5 maxijet 1200s connected to a wavemaker. 2 are always on and 2 alternae with each other and the last one is on and off every 3 min. now, each powerhead is...
  16. newty

    my cats breath stinks

    Hi all, Newty's girlfriend here. Yes, bad breath is often associated with decayed teeth. However, the cat in question is a kitten (less than 9 months old) so has had little to no time for decaying, not to mention the fact that it had bad breath at 13 weeks. I've looked online and it could be a...
  17. newty

    Overflow system??

    condork12, i like that idea! please forgive me while i steal your idea, patent it and live richly for the rest of my life off the royalties! newty.
  18. newty

    best method of altering acrylic sheets

    hello, i was lazy today and didn't bother to use the search button. so, if you do not reply to this thread, don't worry, i wont hack your head off. rather, i'll quietly sulk and mope around the apartment. anyways, i just picked up some acrylic sheets that were precut at the plastics shop and i...
  19. newty

    my cats breath stinks

    well, the idea/fact that these foods contain byproducts, ground meat of various sources, etc doesnt surprise me too much. for all i know, there the food could include brains from beef or sheep! now, there is a cause for alarm... still, why can a cat have bad breath while the other cat doesnt...
  20. newty

    my cats breath stinks

    i have 2 cats, and they both eat the same food. one cat has terrible breath, smells like something is decomposing in there. brushing her teeth doesnt seem to alleviate the smell. as far as i know, she always had the problem. could it be worms? something bad with her teeth? anyone know what else...