Search results

  1. fishinator

    Found a tank!!!!!!!

    Wes, I'm not sure what you could get for $1k. This much I know.....if you have a tight budget at all, a 300 is not the way to go. I went into this full well expecting to spend in excess of $10k over the course of the first year. I actually have done fairly well against my budget, but everything...
  2. fishinator

    help........lion fish cannot eat

    What have you been feeding him? I can't say that I know a whole bunch about lion fish. I have a Radiatta that refused to eat anything but live food for a while. It took me three months to get him to take frozen. While researching this, I read an article by a guy who says he had done hundreds of...
  3. fishinator

    help........lion fish cannot eat

    What have you been feeding him? I can't say that I know a whole bunch about lion fish. I have a Radiatta that refused to eat anything but live food for a while. It took me three months to get him to take frozen. While researching this, I read an article by a guy who says he had done hundreds of...
  4. fishinator

    Do you have a large tank?

    I appreciate the input 'yeller. I'm beggining to understand, as you suggest, that fish are individuals, with unique behaviors. What works for one, will not neccesarily work for another. So, I think I will try again with the CB and be prepared to take him back if it doesn't work out. I'm...
  5. fishinator

    Too Hot Tank!!! HELP!!

    Here in the "valley of the sun" (Phoenix) we are forever battling the heat. I was considering a chiller myself. Here is what I was told and what I've done..... The lfs runs their SG at 1.016 permanently. With high temps, one of the problems is that the oxygen saturation level comes down. With...
  6. fishinator

    Do you have a large tank?

    Salty, you encourage me. I think I might try another coral beauty. I like your flagfin as well. Is it a dwarf angel? I orginally had 3 yellow tangs (Larry, Mo and Curly) Alas, Larry was the only one to survive "the cycle". I noticed a lemon peel angel at the lfs the other day. I think it's a...
  7. fishinator

    Do you have a large tank?

    I agree with one at a time. However, in the case of the two centropyge angels, it was recommended that I put them in at the same time to reduce the chances for "battledome". Going forward with the tangs, I would likley add them one at a time. The only exception I might consider is adding the two...
  8. fishinator

    Do you have a large tank?

    Your tank looks great. You have a flame angel and a coral beauty. Any problems with them? I originally purchased my flame and a coral beauty at the same time, thinking if they went in together they would get along. the Coral Beauty only lasted a couple days before I found her on the bottom of...
  9. fishinator

    Found a tank!!!!!!!

    I was asking myself the same question 9 months ago. I found a used acrylic 300 that was not too bad. It had a few scratches, but they can be polished out. The big thing for me was that he was running a wet dry system which I didn't want. I wanted a closed system. (don't ask why. No basis) So the...
  10. fishinator

    high phosphates

    Maybe someone can help me as I think I have the same issue. It's very difficult to properly treat the water when I do changes. My RO unit can't keep up as it only makes about 15 gallons a day. 5 of those are used for top up. When I do a water change, I need roughly 50 gallons. Does anyone have...
  11. fishinator

    Found a tank!!!!!!!

    I can tell you that a 300 gal acrylic tank alone will cost you $1600-$2000. I try not to think about how much I've spent, but assume it to be somewhere in the $8k range. (don't tell my wife) If you can get a complete setup for $900, you better get it!
  12. fishinator

    Do you have a large tank?

    I have a 300 gallon aggresive fish only tank. I'm looking for others who have done about the same thing, and are interested in collaborating on quantity and compatibility issues. I'm still stocked pretty light, trying to make sure that I get things in the right order. It seems that most of the...