high phosphates


Not sure exactly which forum to put this in, so I thought I'd start here. I have a 75g fowlr tank now for about 19 months. I am still having diatom algae blooms and I'm wondering if it could possibly be from high phosphate levels. I tested recently and they were pretty high. Is there an easy way to lower them? I have heard using distilled water or RO water instead of tap. Since I don't see an immediate need to get an RO system, can it be done with distilled water? I'm getting a bit tired of brown algae after all this time!! Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated! :p


It's most likely from the fact that you are using tap water. I'm having the same problem and need to get my lazy butt up and change to RO water. Ah, one of these days. I've heard of people using distilled water instead of RO water, but some wouldn't recommend it. I think one of the sharks actually uses it. Anyhow, look at grocery stores for RO water. At Cub Foods I can get it in the refillable containers for 35 cents a gallon. HTH


Thanks krusty...can you really get RO water at a grocery store? I thought it could only be purchased at fish stores. I'll have to keep my eye out for it. We don't have Cub foods where I live.
I know I have heard of some people, including sharks using distilled water. I might be more apt to use that at first and see what happens.

nm reef

Active Member
Goldfish....most every "wal-mart"....man I hate them places(but I'm a vender)....sells ro/di water in machines at the front of the store......a lot of places...grocery stores......etc also sell ro/di water.....here I go to a place called H2O ******* ....they sell me 20 gals of ro/di water in re-fillable containers for .25 cents a gal about every 10 days or so........gets lod luggin the stuff in and out of the truck.....but the lower phosphate level is worth it for me


Active Member
I get my water from a vending machine for $.25 per gallon.
It is carbon filtered, then RO, then UV sterlized and then carbon block filtered. :)


guess I should be using ro water. Now wouldn't it just be cheaper to buy an RO system than to refill bottles at .25 a gallon?
Talked to my lfs guy today and he says I should buy an ro unit instead of getting gallon bottles filled. It makes sense....
Thanks for everyones help. :D


Sometimes not.... The cost of replacing filters can get expensive. It depends the output before having to replace the filter. TJ


New Member
Maybe someone can help me as I think I have the same issue. It's very difficult to properly treat the water when I do changes. My RO unit can't keep up as it only makes about 15 gallons a day. 5 of those are used for top up. When I do a water change, I need roughly 50 gallons. Does anyone have any bright ideas on how to remove silicates and phosphates from this much water if I can't use my RO unit?


Active Member
Goldfish I would definately buy an r/o unit if I were you. It is alot easier then running to the market everytime you need water. The filters are very cheap to replace the r/o membrane filter is expensive but only needs replacing every three years or so depending on your water and type of unit you buy. Also buy as large a GPD rating as you can afford. At least 60gdp so you dont run into the problem Fishinator has. Fishinator I would upgrade.


Alright, I'm going to get big tubs, strap them to the roof of my car, and drive through a car wash. Thanks for the advice Sammy. :D
People here have asked about filtered tap water, like Brita or something. Doesn't seem to take out a lot of the stuff that doesn't belong in an aquarium. Basically, it doesn't compare to RO water from what I understand.

old salt

LOL... using those machines in front of walmart may not be good depending on how often they change the filter... My LFS sells for .39 a gallon.. not bad...


Isn't that a shlep to drag out every 2 weeks and buy 15 gallons (obviously different amounts depending on how large your tank is) in bottled water??? I am considering just getting an ro unit to avoid the drive and shlepping. Right now I'm using a phosphate sponge to see if I can lower them on my own.