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  1. reeferatheart

    Ammonia nightmare

    Originally posted by jacrmill: <STRONG>changing your filter media is one of the last things you want to do. that is a big place for what little beneficial bacteria you have to grow. the problem is that you probably added too many fish. how did you cycle your tank? what did you use to supply the...
  2. reeferatheart


    Angels are lovely fish but can be quite aggressive, especially towards each other. I agree that a large tank with plenty of room for retreat is always helpful in any situation. I've watched Angels pick at each other to death- it's a disturbing sight. Unless you prefer to spend your afternoons...
  3. reeferatheart

    ammonia nightmare II

    I appreciate your quick responses. You guys'n'gals are the best! I'm using a bio-filter with a layer of course media. It came with my tank as a package deal. Filtration & lights both built into the canopy. I have a good bacteria bed going & superior water movement. I intro'd 3 fish and 3 hermit...
  4. reeferatheart

    Ammonia nightmare

    I spent 2 yrs helping to maintain a friend's 90 gallon salt tank, from start-up on. I made the assumption that I was experienced enough to handle a 30 gallon tank of my own. It seems I may have assumed wrong. My water cycled for 79 days before the word fish even entered my mind. My levels...