

i like both the coral beauty and flameangel. I eventually want to get them both. my question... are they compatible????
tanks :D


Not usually.. One of the other is the rule, but it depends on how big the tank is and how much LR or hiding places you have. If you have A LOT of LR and a big tank, like over 100g, you could add both of them at the same time. But I would have to say get one or the other, not both. TJ


New Member
Angels are lovely fish but can be quite aggressive, especially towards each other. I agree that a large tank with plenty of room for retreat is always helpful in any situation.
I've watched Angels pick at each other to death- it's a disturbing sight. Unless you prefer to spend your afternoons tapping on the glass hissing "leave him alone!", I reccommend only 1 Angel.


im going to have to choose between a bicolor angel and a flame angel. this sucks because theyre my 2 favorite fish. but since i have a smaller tank (37 gallon) i could realistically only have 1 anyways. but i still think its a tough choice. but like mentioned above in a tank that is 40 gallons you really arent going to have much of a chance at any 2 dwarf angels. i know, im suffering the same problem as you.


I wouldn't have two dwarf angels together. They'll probably going to fight and one will eventually die. However, if you really like them, try getting two that looks totally different from one another.