Search results

  1. mcgoo

    Need help w/ Marron Clown

    My canister filter is rated at 315 gph and my power head is rated at 200 gph.I also have a protein skimmer but i'm not sure what it turns. I do a 15 gal. water change every 3 weeks. The tank has been up and running for over a year 1/2. My ph has spiked to 8.7 but everything else reads ok...
  2. mcgoo

    Need help w/ Marron Clown

    My Marron Clown began to get skinny and now he won't get in the Red anemone That he has been in for 8 months . B4 he would eat allot and now he isn't eating, he just swims around about 3" from the top of the water.. Around the time he started this I added 5 Pepermint shrimp and a Coral Beauty...
  3. mcgoo

    For Sale 400w Metal Halide Setup

    Where do you live.. Let's work out shipping
  4. mcgoo

    For Sale 400w Metal Halide Setup

    I'll take it. My E-mail is Send me a message and we'll work out the details..
  5. mcgoo

    For Sale 400w Metal Halide Setup

    Did you Still have you light?