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  1. tomato

    flame scallop dead?

    Thanks for the help, it was definately dead. I'm still recovering from the smell. My clown was feasting on him.
  2. tomato

    flame scallop dead?

    I received a cleanup crew from and the results have been great already. However, on Sunday the scallop's red feathery ******** shriveled up and today it is flaking off. Is it dead or shedding or something I haven't thought of? Also, I don't know what to feed it. My books haven't...
  3. tomato

    killer anenome?

    Hi all, I recently added a tomato clown and his anenome. A couple days later my cleaner wrasse disappeared, then yesterday I saw the clown bite the tail of of a 2in blue damsel and haven't found him since. Today I picked up all the rocks and couldn't find either fish. Could he be eating them...
  4. tomato

    My tomato is mad

    Hi all, Last week I purchased a 3in. tomato clown and the anenome he was living in. Today, the anenome suddenly closed up and the tomato went beserk. He got really agressive and bit the tail off a blue damsel. I put in a shrimp pellet and he grabbed it and brought it down to the anenome. So my...
  5. tomato


    I used four damsels to cycle my tank. When I got my first other fish I removed the domino damsel because he was ruthless and the other blue damsels and a striped damsel have been very calm since.
  6. tomato

    What's wrong with my wrasse?

    I have a cleaner wrasse that is very friendly with a royal gramma, so much so that the gramma moved from his beloved rock castle and now stays with the wrasse in another rock. Anyway, soon after the move the wrasse disappeared for two days. Just before I began searching the rocks he reappeared...