

New Member
does anyone know if you can keep damsels in a tank with other fish? if so what kind would be compatable? Im also putting coral in the tank and I dont want the other fish eating it...


I would say to go to the library or a store and get a good book with a compatibility chart.Almost any nonaggresive fish can be put with damsels.But you also have to watch out for the damsels to become territorial and start pestering the others.There are also fish that will eat your corals.Parrotfish,sometimes puffers to name a couple.Get a godd book.HTH ;)


You really have to watch out for those damsels, as was said before, unless you are really in love with them trade them back in they can really cause some damage to anything else you put into your tank, I am speaking for a bad experence. Good Luck


The can be kept with other fish, usually the new fish have to defend themselves and be bigger than the damsels.


I think it depends of the damsels. There are many different types. Some are more aggressive and territorial than others. Damsels will become aggressive at a weak or dying fish. Others will have no problem "attacking" a very quiet fish that usually does not move too much (i.e. cardinal) or a smaller fish (i.e. mini golden grouper). They are good for cycling and inexpensive but try to get them out afterwards. :rolleyes:


I hate damsels! I do have one that seems to have settled down as far as his aggresion. yellow-tailed with 2 clowns and psuedo in a 29 gal.


Active Member
Have you ever seen one of those nature shows. On those shows I've seen damsels chase fish at least 5 times there size.
They can be very aggressive.


Active Member
Ever wonder why a damsel fish is also called a "blue devil"? Now you know!
There are different varieties but they are territorial in nature and will nip at fish much larger than they are. They are also aggressive feeders so you have to make sure your other fish get some grub at feeding time. Most people use them to cycle a tank and then trade them in. (Make sure you get them out BEFORE you put any rock in your tank if you are going to remove them.)
Take care,
Dan'l :D
Hey gang-I was at my LFS this weekend and he had a couple Domino's returned from a friend's tank. It was a crazy sight!! The two dominos were huge!! I swear they were about 5 inches long and about 4 inches from back to belly!! HUGE!! They were in his coral tank up front and he stuck his hand in there to grab a red/green open brain for me and one of them flew out from behind a rock and attacked his hand!!! He tried again and once again he went after him! Those suckers are mean!


I didn't know dominos got that big! I have one and he's about 1 inch long. He likes to pick on my yellow-tailed damsel, but other than that he's great. I also have a blue-tailed damsel (Why they call it that is beyond me). Any suggestions with this combo?
P.S. I have no other fish besides these three. I have a 20 gallon tank. I have currently no invertebrates. Just them.


New Member
I used four damsels to cycle my tank. When I got my first other fish I removed the domino damsel because he was ruthless and the other blue damsels and a striped damsel have been very calm since.