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  1. ha-y-n

    Edible Refugia (Attn Hawaiians)

    try it and let us know if it works. you'll probably need rocks for the limu to grab on to tho.
  2. ha-y-n

    my plumbing is leaking...HELP

    i have a drilled tank and the bulkhead keeps leaking. I set it up 3 times and it still leaks. I need some help here guys. The bulkhead is a double threaded one from Drs Fosters and im 100% sure i set it up correctly. My last hope is to use silicone inbetween the gasket and the tank, but i...
  3. ha-y-n

    quieting sump

    whats the best way to quiet the flow coming from the drainline to the sump? Im using a durso standpipe, and have it hard plumbed to the sump. Will soft plumbing make it less noisy? Any help would be good. thanks
  4. ha-y-n

    running carbon

    whats the method that you use?
  5. ha-y-n

    running carbon

    whats the best way to run carbon. Ive heard of using it only once a month for a 24hr period, and ive heard of people using it 24/7. Also what methods do you use to run it?
  6. ha-y-n

    closed loop from overflow

    my tank is a 72gal. Thinking of a mag 9.5 for the return, and i dont know what kind of exteral pump to run with the closed loop. If the gph from the drain(of a 3/4") is about 300, then what should i be using considering the 90s, unions, ect.
  7. ha-y-n

    closed loop from overflow

    My tank is a rr with the 2 holes drilled in a corner overflow. One is a 1" and the other is a 3/4". I was thinking of running the 1" to the sump/fuge, and use the 3/4" to run a closed loop. Will it create a lot of bubbles in my tank? Will this work?
  8. ha-y-n

    closed loop from overflow

    is it a good idea to run a closed loop from one of my drains coming from my overflow in a drilled (at the bottom) tank.
  9. ha-y-n

    plastic canopy

    thanks for the help guys. By the way how did you know about the sewage in the alawai. I saw on the news today that a guy fell in there and is sooo sick. THey had to amputate his leg and theyre thinking of amputating more stuff. Crazy stuff. They even showed on the news that there were some...
  10. ha-y-n

    plastic canopy

    right on for the help thomas. A quick question before u sleep, do i need a fuge for a successful system? Thanks again.
  11. ha-y-n

    plastic canopy

    o by the way i also have a RO unit (no DI) that is made for home use. The return pump from the sump is a mag...i forget but whatever matches the 600gph from the 1"drain.
  12. ha-y-n

    plastic canopy

    this is what i got so far: 72 gal bowfront asm g2 lr and sand ill get down the beach-i live in hawaii so hmm is that a good idea or will they have too much bacteria or something. Im going to use it from the start to cycle my tank. I have a rr tank so the 1" drain(durso) is going to my sump with...
  13. ha-y-n

    plastic canopy

    okay thanks. U want to help me with the rest of my system while ur up?lol
  14. ha-y-n

    plastic canopy

    thanks thomas. Im amsuming you have your lights on a timer. What is your lighting period like? Also how many degrees increase do you see in your tank when the lights are on?
  15. ha-y-n

    plastic canopy

    can u point me in the right direction with the lights. Ive read a lot, but everyone has different ideas. My tank is a 72 gal 48x18x22. It will be a reef for now. Also will the stand that came with the tank( it was a set from aga ) hold up with 80lbs rock, 1" about 50lbs? Thanks
  16. ha-y-n

    plastic canopy

    just wondering if i should replace the plastic canopy that came with my new fish tank? If i dont, what kind of lighting can i put in it?
  17. ha-y-n

    connecting 2 overflows

    i dont think i can get a bigger sump because of the limited space in the stand. Im thinking of running a ASM G2 -10" x 11" footprint.... and a pump -didnt buy it yet but planning on an Mag 9.5 (800 at 4') or 12 (1100 at 4') and their footprints are about 5.5 x 3.5 and 6.5 x 4.5 ......along with...
  18. ha-y-n

    hard or soft

    is it better to run hard or soft plumbing from the overflow to the sump? how about from the return to the main tank?
  19. ha-y-n

    connecting 2 overflows

    thanks for the help guys. My tank is a 72 gal, and the two drainlines is a 1" and a 3/4" from the corner overflow. So that would make it about 900gph(?) i think. Would it be a better idea to run the 3/4" straight to my small refuge side of the sump, and the 1" straight to the skimmer side of...
  20. ha-y-n

    connecting 2 overflows

    I have a drilled tank and i wanted to know if i can use both of the holes for drains to the sump by connecting them together somewhere along the plumbing. If so how would i do this? Thanks