closed loop from overflow


New Member
is it a good idea to run a closed loop from one of my drains coming from my overflow in a drilled (at the bottom) tank.


Active Member
Sure, why wouldn't it be? It would be better going to a sump, but nothing says you can't run it straight though. But, one question for you. You asked if you could do it from one of the drains on the OF, meaning you have the double style? My answer is still yes to that, as long as the return is the same as the overflow.


Only advice ALWAYS be aware of Back syphon when dealing with any sort of loop.
Sounds like what you wanna do will be ok thou.


Active Member
You don't have to worry about back siphon in a closed loop, there is no place for the water to go......


Active Member
The way that I have my closed loop on my 210 is as so.
I have two overflow boxes and that works off of one pump. The return is "T" off and distributes water to both returns. Then, I have 3 holes drilled in the back of my tank, dead center. One of the holes, the one in the middle, is the drain, while the two on the sides, are the returns. This works off of another pump that I have the plumbing "T" off on.
I have included pictures for you. The two black lines in the first pic are the returns of my closed loop, and the red line points to the drain. The water drains directly to the pump, and comes directly back up to the tank. It does not go anywhere between.
The last pic is how I have hid the closed loop so that you cannot even see it, yet, still pumps water all the way to the front of my tank.



New Member
My tank is a rr with the 2 holes drilled in a corner overflow. One is a 1" and the other is a 3/4". I was thinking of running the 1" to the sump/fuge, and use the 3/4" to run a closed loop. Will it create a lot of bubbles in my tank? Will this work?


Active Member
Yeah, that should work and you should not have a lot of bubbles. What is your tank size and what are the two pumps that you were going to use?


New Member
my tank is a 72gal. Thinking of a mag 9.5 for the return, and i dont know what kind of exteral pump to run with the closed loop. If the gph from the drain(of a 3/4") is about 300, then what should i be using considering the 90s, unions, ect.