Search results

  1. martianarts

    strange hard black bubble on lr

    right now, its maybe a quarter inch across. i really dont want to remove the live rock, as it is supporing a few mroe on its sides. but how do i go about removing it? just pull it off slowly and carefully? if it does happen to burst. what harmful affects will it have on the habitat? will it make...
  2. martianarts

    strange hard black bubble on lr

    would an emerald crab go well in a tank with a cleaner shrimp, tang, and damsel?
  3. martianarts

    strange hard black bubble on lr

    hey everyone, there is a rather interesting black 'bubble' with a rainbowey coat. i tapped it with a chop stick and it was rather hard. i was wondering if anyone could tell me what it is. it looks almost hollow but i cant really tell. is it something i need to worry about ??
  4. martianarts

    Algae/Diatom Growth

    We've been using distilled H2O for top offs. We grabbed some snails from the LFS and they're doing their job. Unfortunately their shells are so heavy we have to rescue them from the bottom of the tank a lot, since they can't flip themselves over. :( And normally snails wouldn't be a big deal...
  5. martianarts

    New Tank, Need Advise

    Speaking of yellow tangs, what's the adult size of one?
  6. martianarts

    How over priced is your LFS

    Originally posted by fishguy4 i work at my lfs so i get things cheap! just over cost Ditto. I get awesome deals on dry goods. :)
  7. martianarts

    Glass or Acrylic

    The acrylic at my work has rounded crouners that are really worn down..and the scratches make me cringe.
  8. martianarts

    New Tank, Need Advise

    Good point. I'm definitely looking into tangs. A 54 corner at it's widest point is a little less than 4 feet. Unfortunately, that is the best tank for the amount of space available in the room I'd like to place the tank. Even with a lightly stocked tank, would it be too small for a yellow tang?
  9. martianarts

    Algae/Diatom Growth

    Well, the tank has been up and running for about 6 months, and the algae is on the sand, on the glass, on the LR, just everywhere. And about the Maracyn, that's what I thought too, which was why I asked. But in the beginning, there was tons of it, and it never really turned green. It did...
  10. martianarts

    New Tank, Need Advise

    My boyfriend and I started a small 20 gallon tank this summer and it has been doing very well, but I think we're ready to go for a larger tank. I would really like to go with a 54 gallon corner tank, but I just wanted to know if they are more or less difficult to maintain because of it's shape...
  11. martianarts

    Algae/Diatom Growth

    What do you use to get rid of that brown/orange algae that gorws EVERYWHERE in your tank? I heard you could use Maracyn, but I'm really cautious about putting chemicals in my tank, even stuff like Maracyn. Input would be helpful.
  12. martianarts


    they look like worms that had dug tunnels under the live sand. is this normal? also out of no where two feather dusters appeared on my live rock. any input would be greatly appreciated :)
  13. martianarts

    clown trouble

    i was planning on doing a water change tomorrow, would that help any? also when should i perform regular water changes? monthly? bi-monthly?
  14. martianarts

    clown trouble

    i dont know about a film. but their 'skin' was pale and discolored looking. it may have been a film but i definately didnt see any spots on the fish. :confused:
  15. martianarts

    clown trouble

    good information. is there anything i can do to treat a clown of a potential parasite before intorducing it to my tank? quarentining it before? how does one go about making a quarentine/hospital tank. i really want to get anohter two clowns, but maybe get rid of the damsel and go for maybe...
  16. martianarts

    clown trouble

    the clowns have been in there for about 2 or 3 weeks. my tang is timid but comes out every so often. it likes to hide behind the live rock. its about 3 inchs long. the damsel was being a [hr] to the clowns at first but after 2 days it layed off, but i assume it was still territorial. the...
  17. martianarts

    clown trouble

    I have two clowns and last night, they were all fine up and about vibrant as ever. The next morning i notice one of them is just laying on the sand, wiggling. it had a whitish film on it. looked rather pale and the fins looked damaged a bit. the other clown was also pale and swimming rather...
  18. martianarts

    Setting up Sump, Help!

    Thank you guys for the help, it was very useful and the search on sumps did provide an amazing amount of other info.
  19. martianarts

    Setting up Sump, Help!

    I've recently talked my parents into furnishing their living room with a big ol' fish tank. It's a quarter cylinder, 54 gallon tank. I've only ever delt with regular filter and protein skimmers, so this is a new thing for me. What size should the sump tank be, and what do I need for a basic sump...
  20. martianarts

    Help! Fish in Need.

    Thanks for the input, I didn't know that it was significant that the lights were out for 24 hours the previous day. This afternoon, we took a look and the tang is doing fine. We condition the water with AmmoLock. But not a full dose, just enough to cover one gallon.