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  1. martianarts

    Help! Fish in Need.

    I have a yellow tang in my tank, and the other day I bought some distilled water from the supermarket and topped off the tank. We treated the water with conditioner anyway, just in case, and last night the tang looked like it had lost the color in its face and on the edges of its fins. Anyone...
  2. martianarts

    RO Filters

    Thanks for the info. I'm considering getting a 55 gallon sometime. Because that's bigger than 26, would it be a better investment to buy the RO/DI filter?
  3. martianarts

    RO Filters

    I have a little diatom problem right now, and I read that RO/DI filters can help prevent this. What process do these filters use to purify water? What's the average cost of a quality purification filter? I'm a little tight in the money department so any recommendations would be cool. Is it...
  4. martianarts

    Bad Feelings about New Tank

    The more and more I read, the more I feel like there is something I missed in setting up my 20 gallon tank. Three weeks ago I set it up using treated tap water. I'm also using LR and 'live' sand. I've got a gimpy "up to 30 gallons" hang-on filter and a protein skimmer filtering the water. All...
  5. martianarts

    LR Growth

    i called my lfs and they said that it is sometimes common to have a tpye of bacteria in the live rock? they recomended taking a toothbrush and scrubbing it off... it has spread to a lot of the rock and even on the sand and in some cases a tiny bit on the glass. orange rus hair looking things...
  6. martianarts

    LR Growth

    Just started a new tank about two weeks ago and I started noticing growth on my live rock today. It looks like orange hair. It's growing on parts of the glass, too, and a little in the sand. Any advice or conclusions would be helpful.
  7. martianarts

    hello, i'm new here

    Thanks for the warm welcome! I really feel like this is the place to be if you want to know about SW stuff. So far, the advise has been great, but patience and waiting for cycling is becoming difficult! Oh well, what is, just is. By the way, anybody know of a free image hosting site?
  8. martianarts

    Necessary Equipment

    I was wondering what kind of equipment (i.e., filters, protein skimmers, lights) you all think is absolutely necessary for a 20-30 gallon reef tank. And how do you move fish? I'm thinking about investing in a 55 gallon tank, but there's a good chance I might be moving out of my parents' house...
  9. martianarts

    newbie with lighting,etc. questions

    Yes! It's true you can use baking soda to increase pH. I work in a little family owned pet shop, and we use baking soda to aid pH levels in all of our tanks. In our 20+ gallon tanks, we start out with about a 1/4 teaspoon and then test the water and add as needed. And it's much cheaper than the...
  10. martianarts

    hello, i'm new here

    just starting a 20 gallon tank. got lots of help from this board already and am hoping to gain more insight in the near future. hello everyone!