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  1. pdrefer636


    tank has been neglected. nitrates are very high around 80. tank has been set for about three years. ive done regular water changes about 20% every two weeks. but ive been bad and have missed the last 5 changes. how often can i do water changes?????please advise
  2. pdrefer636


    hey what parameters are you trying to maintain?reef tan
  3. pdrefer636

    green sinularia

    nedd help whith placement of the green sinularia. confused
  4. pdrefer636

    tank mates

    150 gallon
  5. pdrefer636

    lost fish

    i thind its to late the fish isnt breathing and it looks as if the star is eatingg it
  6. pdrefer636

    lost fish

    hd a naso tang for two weeks everything ok , then yesterday noticed at his nose he had a nice size chunk gone and he was hiding in one of the caves. today get home from work snd hes laying an his side in the very way back of the cave and i cant get him out my bristle star is right there is he...
  7. pdrefer636

    devils hand

    jsut got a dh two days ago . he is not looking to good he shrunk up and looks wilted over he is sitting low in tank thinking it was geting too much light . all parameters are good except trates at 20-30 will do another water change tommorow. any ideas help please
  8. pdrefer636

    150 to 210 gallon reef finally complete!!!

    ok im jealous
  9. pdrefer636

    tank mates

    thanks this site has been the best for help
  10. pdrefer636

    tank mates

    just inherited a naso tang but my yellow and regal are picking on him what can i do to help in the introduction of this new guy
  11. pdrefer636


    how often and how much
  12. pdrefer636


    i just bought a new hydrometer and found my salinity up to around 1.030 all the tank life ok for now how do i bring the levels down safely. :help:150 gallon tank
  13. pdrefer636

    hair alge

    how do you get rid of the hair alge.
  14. pdrefer636


    no just the carbon holder which goes into the skimmer. i have slowed the skimmer down and the bubbles are slowly going away but i dont think it going to be very affective this way
  15. pdrefer636


    :help: my red sea protien skimmer is filling my tank with alot of micro bubbles whats up first time question :notsure: