

New Member
i just bought a new hydrometer and found my salinity up to around 1.030 all the tank life ok for now how do i bring the levels down safely. :help:150 gallon tank


Active Member
no id recommend first buying a refractometer, it will give you accurate readings unlike a hydrometer, but second, start by doing small 2-5 gallon water changes of RO water per hour until you get the desired 1.023-1.025. over a 24 hour period, also are you using RO water for top offs?


Dont drop the salinity more then .001 in one shot and I woul wait between a few days . I would also suggest getting a refractometer for my hydrometer was off .006. You need to do it very slow just like everything in this hobby.

bang guy

I wouldn't change anything until you check the results of your hydrometer against a more accurate device like a refractometer.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MikeGray
what should we aim for with our saltinity.. 1.025? or 1.024 or 1.023? what one would be best???
For a reef tank ...... temp 80 -82 .... SG 1.025 ..... will give a salinity of about 35ppt, perfect IMO.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jjlittle
Dont drop the salinity more then .001 in one shot and I woul wait between a few days . I would also suggest getting a refractometer for my hydrometer was off .006. You need to do it very slow just like everything in this hobby.

yeah but over a 48 hour period it is suggested when doing hyposalinity, at a gallon per hour(in a 75 gal.), that drops you over .016 over 48 hours, it is safe i assure you, i just did it...but do what you going up is a whole different story, thats a 5-7 day process for .016 back up!


ohh. so keep my reef tank at 80.. i was gonna lower it to 78* without my MH's on... but ill keep it 80* without MH's on..... and ill shoot for 1.025 right now i just mixed my salt in my tank and its at about 1.022-23 so ill put another big scoop in...