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  1. kevin lassonde

    how many tanks

    just wondering how many tanks everyone has? i have 58
  2. kevin lassonde

    what would i need?

    i am getting a 125 with a versatop but no lights, a fluvil 303, 50 lbs. of live rock and sand what would i need to make it a successful reef? <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" />
  3. kevin lassonde

    is this posible

    thanks that is a really nice tank nm reef
  4. kevin lassonde

    is this posible

    could i do a mini reef in an eclips 6?
  5. kevin lassonde


    i have aquired 4 pregnant peperment shrimp. is there any way to save and reer the fry? if so how?
  6. kevin lassonde


    well i only have a 20 high and i would still like to try but by clean up crew i mean a few cleaner shrimp and or pepermints maybe some bley or red legs and turbo snails
  7. kevin lassonde


    alright, what size tank would be needed for a mini reef and just 2 perculas and maybe a clean up crew?
  8. kevin lassonde


    what does it take to breed perculas with as little as posible
  9. kevin lassonde

    what is this

    so does this mean i should get rid of him and go with bluelegs if i want to keep small fish and crustations in the tank?
  10. kevin lassonde

    ***** Purple tangs

    i currently work at ***** and do agree with you all we treat livestock like crap i am doing all i can to help there but it isnt working
  11. kevin lassonde

    what is this

    i got a hermit for free at my lfs it was usually 7.99 but the owner is my friend and gave it to me but i dont know what kind it is it is red with many white spots and hairs and is medium sized any info on this creature will be apreciated
  12. kevin lassonde

    can I.................?

    im in northern ct from around enfield i do realize i would have to match all the conditions an am willing to in the future more than likely because there are many locals i am interested in keeping
  13. kevin lassonde

    can I.................?

    alright thank you for the advise i just thought that they were kinda cool and would like to try them so maybe someday i will have a larger tank that i can set up and chill for them as well as other locals does anyone think that that would work??
  14. kevin lassonde

    can I.................?

    is it posible to collect local hermit crabs from the ct shore and put them in an established tank or is this not advisable?
  15. kevin lassonde


    is plexiglass safe to use as a overflow and a sump in a salt setup
  16. kevin lassonde

    what is the best lighting

    i have a 20 high and would like to keep a couple of fish and quite a few inverts maybe some soft corals but probobly not would compact flourecent be best for me?
  17. kevin lassonde


    the tank is only 5 days old and i am looking for lr and ls i will not do anything with animals for at least a month probobly 2
  18. kevin lassonde

    is it posible

    is it posible to do a reef tank in a 20high if so what would be good?
  19. kevin lassonde


    after my tank cycles is it too much to have like 10 blueleggs a few peperments an urchin and 3 perculas added gradually? i have a 20 high
  20. kevin lassonde


    what is the rule of thumb for fish inches to gallons in salt i know its about 1 to 1 in fresh is it the same?