

New Member
well you should have a 55gal tank and you should have more then two perclus and each pair one or two anemones for each pair and can you explain what you mean by clean up crew?

kevin lassonde

New Member
well i only have a 20 high and i would still like to try but by clean up crew i mean a few cleaner shrimp and or pepermints maybe some bley or red legs and turbo snails


New Member
well you should have about 4-5 turbo and maybe some cleaner shrimp but remember that cleaner shrimp eat perisites and dont realy clean the tank


Active Member
the clowns have breed in tanks, with only flower pots(not the coral, but the red clay, taht you use in your window sill for plants) and no anemones(some breeders use this method), so ihave to disagree with the above post about anemones, not to mention that my feelings are that anemones don't belong in home aquariums, i feel ther is almost no chance of being successful at raising anemones, some will disagree, but anemones should live for decades or centries, and i have only heard of a handful living more than 5 yrs(most die within 1, 2 at the most) and only one living over a decade, don't get me wrong,theya re beautiful and interesting and i want one myself, but i just don't feel we can adequately keep them

sinner's girl

Of course that requires more work then it sounds like you want to do. But I here it is anyway.
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