Search results

  1. leviwin

    Bristle Worms

    Almost everything I've read says that they are pretty good. They are alot like earthworms in your grass. One or two types are bad, but the chances of them being this type are pretty low. If you want to get rid of them or try to keep them under control you can get a Coral Banded shrimp or a...
  2. leviwin

    sleeper goby missing

    I've had one in a tank with a closed top for a couple of months now. Every once in a while I wake up and hear him trying to jump out. So you might want to check around the tank. Other than that he likes to hide under his rock and only come out when it is time to eat.
  3. leviwin

    Canopy and Stand plans

    If this helps any my tank is 48 in by 12 in and about 21 inches deep. Right now I just want to put in some normal output 48" bulbs and want to add in metal halides when I get some more $$. I was planning on adding a refugium this summer as soon as I get out of school. I was just planning on...
  4. leviwin

    lighting switch

    Thanks for the help. I was pretty sure that I couldn't use them.
  5. leviwin

    Doctor shrimp

    I went to the lfs here in my home town of Willard Ut where they only sell freshwater fish, but he gave me a list of saltwater fish that he could order. When I looked at the list I noticed normal scarlet cleaner shrimp peppermint shrimp and such, plus a shrimp that I have never heard of the...
  6. leviwin

    Canopy and Stand plans

    I was wondering if anybody could send me some good plans to build a canopy and stand for a 55 gallon tank. Thanks
  7. leviwin

    lighting switch

    I recently recieved a set of 36" strip lights with normal output 30 watt bulbs from a friend and was wondering if I could use the same ballast and upgrade them to 48" bulbs. Would this be possible or would it just cause too much problems?