Search results

  1. pwisecup

    Brittle Star Pieces

    Thanks guys for the help! I just checked my numbers. Amonia and Nitrites are still at 0. Nitrates at 20. Ph is still at 8.2. I'll keep in mind about the meter, although I do rinse it every time with fresh water right away and its only 4 months old. I think I'll take a sample of water to my...
  2. pwisecup

    Brittle Star Pieces

    Specific gravity is 1.0235 (halfway between 1.023 and 1.024) on the SeaTest Full Range Specific Gravity Meter. I just thought about something. I just bought a powerhead. I put it in this past wed (1 week ago). I had it bubbling air at first and then removed the airline, put in the plug and...
  3. pwisecup

    Brittle Star Pieces

    I found him! He is nothing more than a disc with tiny stubs for his "legs". He is still moving around, but obviously is not as agile as he was previously. There are Bristle Worms cleaning up the remains of his legs. Could they have attacked him? They are quite large bristle worms. I can't...
  4. pwisecup

    Horseshoe Crab

    Sorry, I forgot to tell you that they just eat leftover food that gets caught in the substrate. I like them because they stir up the sand but do not knock anything down. Sometimes they get stuck upside down because they do not swim very well. Then I have to rescue them by letting them grab...
  5. pwisecup

    Horseshoe Crab

    I have three tiny horseshoe crabs and they evidently come out at night. I see them every morning and then they bury themselves in the sand or substrate. I think they are cool.
  6. pwisecup

    Brittle Star Pieces

    My Brittle Star has been in my tank for about 4 months with no problems. I have 4 Blue Damsels and 4 Clowns, 3 mini-Horseshoe Crabs. Everything seemed fine last night around 9 o'clock. The star was sitting on and around a piece of live rock. When I checked the tank at about 10:30, the star...
  7. pwisecup

    Star Fish ID?

    I also have two tiny starfish that just recently "appeared" in my tank. They look like yours, I think. Is yours a drab brownish grey? Is it about the size of the end of your small finger? This may be what I have. I've been wondering what they are.
  8. pwisecup

    How do I raise Ocellaris Clown babies?

    I have had 4 Ocellaris Clowns for about 3 weeks and one has laid eggs. How do I ensure the babies stay alive? I ordered Rotifers to get started, but have no idea what to do, etc. Help???