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  1. jon!!!

    Someone has lied to me

    Well then, It sounds like I should have live rock, I just don't need all of it all at once. CELACANTHr, (or anybody else who knows) how does one go about making their own live rock? Is this a good idea? Hot883, it was a salt water startup kit. It came with salt. If I have some live rock will it...
  2. jon!!!

    Someone has lied to me

    Fish-only :)
  3. jon!!!

    Someone has lied to me

    Hello! Awhile ago I got a 55 gal saltwater startup tank kit. In the little manual that came with my tank kit, it told me that I could add fish within 24 hours of the pH and temperature stabilizing. This didn't sound right to me, so I waited till I could go back to the fish store to ask them. So...