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  1. djj624

    does anyone know how long i can keep a fish out of the tank for?

    I have a 55 gal tank with a foxface, 3 striped damsel, blue damsel, cinnamon clown, and newly added porky puffer, and hermit crab.. The problem is that my striped damsel keeps attacking both new additions the crab wont even come out of the shell no more, and the puffer is getting little bite...
  2. djj624

    ~*~ YoUr FaV pEt PiCtUrEs~*~

    My Dog Max
  3. djj624

    Trigger Happy

    Was bored and taking pics..
  4. djj624

    Some pics of my 55gal in wall setup.

    my tool/workout room is back there.. I made a stand out of some plywood and 2x4's..
  5. djj624

    Some pics of my 55gal in wall setup.

    How big should i go? The lion is a dwarf so he wont get much bigger. But how big will the triggers and foxface get over how long of time.. See i planned on selling the triggers to a freind who has a bigger tank when they get to big for mine, then going out and getting small ones again.. But i...
  6. djj624

    Some pics of my 55gal in wall setup.

    another of my fish together eating
  7. djj624

    Some pics of my 55gal in wall setup.

    Here is one of the tank in the wall
  8. djj624

    water change question

    Is a 5gallon water change a week to much or to little ?? I have a 55 gallon tank..
  9. djj624

    Foxface question..

    I have a newly bought foxface about 4 days old in my cycled tank.. When i first purchased him and got him into a bucket with my dripline i noticed he turned a horrid color almost like he was rotting and dying. I immediatly called the fish store wherei purchased the fish and explained, they told...