Some pics of my 55gal in wall setup.


I'm green w/envy at this moment!
However, if someone else can ok your fish selection in that size of tank then I may be jumping on your bandwagon.Doubt it though.Nevertheless ..g/l.


New Member
How big should i go? The lion is a dwarf so he wont get much bigger. But how big will the triggers and foxface get over how long of time.. See i planned on selling the triggers to a freind who has a bigger tank when they get to big for mine, then going out and getting small ones again.. But i may consider upgrading as well..


looks good though - once you get all the bigger fish out you could make a mini-aggresive tank. Is that a maroon Clownfish? you can keep the dawrf lion.


Wow - you have a Huma (Picasso Trigger) in there with other fish!! I have one aptley named, "Killer" because he has killed all tankmates!! Lesson learned! But how inspirational to see one with a community of aggressive fish.
Good for you!!