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  1. pmptll22

    anemone brown spots please help

    cant figure out how to resize on pc to fit on this site did it before but cant find same page if u can help thanks
  2. pmptll22

    anemone brown spots please help

    ive had a hot pink rose anemony for a while and he has recently developed brown spots around his mouth and in the white areas of him if anyone can help i would greatly appreciate it he was very expensive and beutifull thanks
  3. pmptll22

    anemone brown spots help

    my hot pink tipped rose anemone has developed brown spots in the white area's of it if anyone knows what the heck is going on i would greatly appreciate it sorry i couldnt get a good pic thanks
  4. pmptll22

    algae outbreak

    ive been reducing the lighting little by little went from 11to9 hrs pobably go more, the bulbs are brand new. My nitrates are very low do to my ev120 it works great. I been testing @ my lfs just to be shure the tests are acurate. i had been feeding once a day but have also cut that back to every...
  5. pmptll22

    algae outbreak

    recent hair algae outbreak help all of my testing shows no sign of problem calcium is high,alk is a little low im running rowa phos&phosphate pads ive got 15 tigre turbos,30 reg snails,25-30 numorus crabs. 1sailfin,1 lawnmower,1squirrel,1tamato,1xmas wrasse,1red scooter bleenny,2yellow gobies...
  6. pmptll22

    Must See This! Come On Everyone!

    Originally Posted by Baclieu52 i WOULD LIKE TO POST THIS PICTURE FROM MY 75 GAL I REALY DID NOT KNOW WHAT KIND OF THE FISH IS IT :notsure: , PLEASE ID THANK. green goby i have one we cal him surviver he spent 8 min on a garbage disposal long story but have had him for 2 yrs.
  7. pmptll22

    metal halide bulbs

    so do u think i should wait it out because i already ordered 20k 250watt xm's i liked the bluer tint?
  8. pmptll22

    metal halide bulbs

    the bulbs were new any other ideas. Thanks
  9. pmptll22

    COTW suggestions

    comparison in all mh bulbs cost quality color
  10. pmptll22

    metal halide bulbs

    i recently bought a coralife 2x250watt mh mogul base & 2x96watt pc it came with coralife 10k x 250 bulbs. I have found them to be very yellow in color, i also have found hair algae to be getting worse i was told that the quality of those mh bulbs was poor & to go with xm or radium 14 or 20k...
  11. pmptll22

    tamato sand&lether torturer

    my tamato has recently taken up the hobby knoking my leatheroff it's shelf & wont leave the sand alone. tried to glue the leather but didnt work any sugjestion's besides getting rid of him &putting the sand back. was also woried about unwanted backteria from sand.