Search results

  1. froogy

    Party Pranks?

    I'm looking for ideas. I have a large group of friends. We are all in our late 20s, early 30s and none of us are parents yet. For birthdays and some holidays, we get together and party at someone's house. After a few drinks, we play some sort of game or prank. We recently duct taped a friend to...
  2. froogy

    What other test kits do I need?

    I have the basic saltwater master kit for ph, ammonia, nitrite and nitrate plus a calcium, copper and alkalinity test kit. What else do I need to test for? Phosphates?
  3. froogy

    Salt brand does make a difference IMO

    Thanks for posting this. Just ran out of salt and have always used instant ocean but was thinking of a change.
  4. froogy

    fave brand of salt?

    just curious what everyone prefers to use.
  5. froogy

    Is a DSB pointless with a wrasse?

    I really want to get a 12 line, or perhaps 4 line, wrasse for our 92 gal. I've been doing a lot of reading on dsb's. It seems that a wrasse would eat a lot of the good creatures you need in a dsb in order for it to do its natural filtration thing. Does anyone have knowledge or input on this? I'd...
  6. froogy

    Faucet-mounted RO Filter?

    I swear that last week, I saw a picture of an RO filter that mounts onto your faucet. I think it was on this website but it might have been during internet searching. I have a condo with no room for a 3-canister ro filter. I'm not too concerned with how often the membrane will need to be changed...
  7. froogy

    Best way to feed dried seaweed to snails?

    I wanted to make sure my snails were getting enough food and wasn't happy with the leftover bits left from veggie wafers, so I got dried seaweed. I put a small piece in and it just floated around. Somewhere, I read to just attach it to a small rock and set it next to the glass. I did this with a...
  8. froogy

    moving turbo & astrea snails

    Another question on moving a tank. Lol! I have turbos and astreas in the tank. If they are on a piece of lr, that's easy enough. But for the snails that are on the sides of the tank, how do you get them off? We have to take all the water out before we can move the tank so all snails must come out.
  9. froogy

    transferring liverock ?

    A pretty basic question but I want to make sure. We're moving our 100gallon tank today. We have 10 gallons of ro water that was meant for a water change. If I mix salt into this water to match the salinity of our tank, is it ok to put the liverock in these buckets during the transfer? Everything...
  10. froogy

    My tank pics & a happy dance!

    Here is our 100 gallon tank that we've had for 5 years. Until a month ago, it was FOWLR. We are switching over to reef and as you can see, we still need to get more lr and take the wood out. One problem we have right now is the bta chose to attach to the wood and not the lr so waiting for him to...
  11. froogy

    tips for using a background?

    I bought some background for our tank. I have it cut to size and the back of the tank is clean and dry. Any tips for how to apply it? I'm guessing tape but wondering if it would look tacky and decrease the appeal of the background. I'm going to use the side that goes from dark blue bottom to...
  12. froogy

    for those who don't make their own r/o water...

    do you get r/o water somewhere else? The decent lfs near me sells it for $1/gallon but there's another lfs about 30 min. away that gives it away for free. I'm guessing the more local lfs is a bit overpriced?
  13. froogy

    will this be too many fish?

    I have a 100 gallon tank with 2 aquaclear 110's at the moment. So far, we have 5 blue-green chromis, 1 cleaner shrimp, 1 bta, 5 turbos and 5 astrea snails. Water quality is spot-on except for nitrates (which will be remedied when the wood that's in the tank is replaced with more lr instead)...
  14. froogy

    is wood bad?

    Hmmmm...the wood has been in since we got the 100gallon which has been 4 years now. But since we're going partial-reef...out it goes! Thanks everyone!
  15. froogy

    is wood bad?

    My 100 gallon tank used to house a picasso, flagtail, radiata and snowflake. We had about 30lbs. of lr and 2 interesting pieces of wood. Father-in-law, who is an oceanographer and previous saltwater tank keeper, put a rabbitfish in the tank while we were at work without any notice or permission...
  16. froogy

    Black Clownfish w/Orange Faces

    Very similar. There wasn't any orange at all on the fins or body. The black was jet black, the white was very white. There wasn't as much orange on the face, the orange was really on and around the lips only, not on the cheeks. The first of the 3 white stripes were farther back on the body from...
  17. froogy

    What do you wish you never added to your tank?

    the clarkii that was in my 55 gallon reef. anytime you put your hand into the tank, she would hide below her sebae then zip out and nip you right between the fingers on the thin, sensitive skin there. she tested my patience for sure!
  18. froogy

    Black Clownfish w/Orange Faces

    Hello! I'm new to this forum, but not so new to saltwater tanks. This is my first post! This past weekend, I went to a new saltwater store. The Reef Mystique opened up last November in Lake Stevens, WA. They have a 400 gallon walk-around tank and in it, they had a pair of black (dark black)...