is wood bad?


New Member
My 100 gallon tank used to house a picasso, flagtail, radiata and snowflake. We had about 30lbs. of lr and 2 interesting pieces of wood. Father-in-law, who is an oceanographer and previous saltwater tank keeper, put a rabbitfish in the tank while we were at work without any notice or permission. It had a parasite infection that ended up killing everything except the eel (but then he died a month later anyway). So now we are switching over to a partial reef set-up. We aren't planning on going full reef as we just had our lighting system/hood completely redone last year and I can live without clams, corals and such. The 2 pieces of wood are still in the tank. We've since added 20lbs. of tonga and 30lbs of lr. Is it bad for the water to leave the wood in? It didn't seem to matter when the tank was FOWLR but now that we're going partial-reef, I'm not sure. Each of the wood pieces are about the size of dura-flame log but has concaves and holes.


Well all I got to say about the wood.. Its not going to be there very long.. :thinking: But if I was you I would take the wood out...


New Member
Hmmmm...the wood has been in since we got the 100gallon which has been 4 years now. But since we're going partial-reef...out it goes! Thanks everyone!