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  1. davidjapw

    ph problem

    no matter how I try my ph is always low I use buffer 8.3 and its good for a while but always ends up low. i would greatly appreciate any help with this problem?
  2. davidjapw

    hair algae out of control...

    Originally Posted by nycbob why dont u try converting ur sump into a fuge, and put cheato in there. cheato will lower ur phosphate and nitrate. Just returned from my lfs. Purchased some cheato for the sump, PhosBan to help lower the phosphates, and some carbon. I am doing a 20 gal. water...
  3. davidjapw

    hair algae out of control...

    Originally Posted by Yosemite Sam Have you tested your tap water for baseline water parameters, and do you have a tds meter or test your RO water? When did the algae first appear? Sorry for all the questions, just trying to understand your system. I don't use tap water I get my RO water from...
  4. davidjapw

    hair algae out of control...

    Originally Posted by Yosemite Sam Your phosphates are really high, which is probably part of the problem. What test kit are you using, and what kind of water do you use for top-offs and water changes (RODI, tap, etc.)? How long do your lights run? Lastly, how much flow do you have in your...
  5. davidjapw

    hair algae out of control...

    Originally Posted by Yosemite Sam We need to know more about your tank before we can help. How big and how old is it? What sort of substrate (sand, crushed coral, etc) and how much live rock do you have? What are your water parameters, especially nitrates and phosphates? What sorts of...
  6. davidjapw

    hair algae out of control...

    How can I get hair algae under control? It is only growing on the sand bed right now but it is spreading quickly. Is there anything I can do to get rid of it? I don't want it to spread on to the reef itself.
  7. davidjapw

    live rock question

    I have a 40 gal. tank set up to culture my live rock and until now it has been flourishing ( alot of coraline algae purple and bright green) among other growth. In the last few days on a few pieces of the rock a deep redish algae has appeared that is growing almost like hair algae, it is...
  8. davidjapw

    live rock question

    Will adding additional live rock to an already established tank cause it to go through another cycle?
  9. davidjapw

    algae question?

    Sounds like you don't have enough flow in your tank and food and waste is building up on your rock.What do you have for a cleaning crew & power heads in the tank?Is it only in the back of the tank. I have about 20 hermit crabs and 2 sand sifting starfish, 2 serpent stars, and a brittle star, 12...
  10. davidjapw

    algae question?

    [hr] what is your setup what do you have in it how old is it what are the water perameters good luck Manny 125 gal. tank canister and hang on fuge 2 mandarins, scooter blenny, six line wrasse, engineer goby, 3 percula clowns, and a hippo tang (all juveniles) hammer coral,bubble,lots of...
  11. davidjapw

    algae question?

    I have noticed some really dark algae growing on the back of some of my base rock. It is a very deep green almost looking black in color does anyone know what it is and if it is bad for my tank. Thanks in advance for your help
  12. davidjapw

    Pipe Fish

    same kind of banding not as intense body color though
  13. davidjapw

    Pipe Fish

    we didn't take them we left them there but they were all between 3 and 4 inches grayish brown in color with lighter bands running down the lenght of there bodies
  14. davidjapw

    Ricordea mushroom polyps

    I was thinking about adding them to the reef. Does anyone know how large the polyps are?
  15. davidjapw

    mandarin question?

    Thanks again for the info. Do you know where I can get anymore pods?
  16. davidjapw

    mandarin question?

    Originally Posted by jtrzerocool how big is your tank? how much live rock? do you have a refugium? 75 gal. 95-100 lbs. no
  17. davidjapw

    mandarin question?

    I have a pair of mandarins in my reef tank. I know they eat copepods and I've seen them eat live brine. I recently purchased the cultured copepods from, does anyone know how often I should get them and add them to the tank? Any information will be greatly appreciated Thank You...
  18. davidjapw

    tank will crash URGENT

    Originally Posted by davidjapw I was wrongly told to add amquelplus to my tank to reduce a nitrite spike in my tank by a local aquarium owner. I used a few doses before finding out it was not good for the tank, since then I have done water changes. Does anyone know how long it lasts in a tank or...
  19. davidjapw

    Pipe Fish

    I live in the northeast and recently my son and I visited the shore, while searching the tital rocks we found some pipefish. We then went and purchased a 4ft. sein net and in one pull must have gotten 30-35. What type of pipefish would they be? Does anyone know?
  20. davidjapw

    tank will crash URGENT

    I was wrongly told to add amquelplus to my tank to reduce a nitrite spike in my tank by a local aquarium owner. I used a few doses before finding out it was not good for the tank, since then I have done water changes. Does anyone know how long it lasts in a tank or how to get rid of it.