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  1. aries7

    Shrooms & Stars!

    Have decided that a sandsifting star is not what I want eating my critters that live in my sand and that I paid good money for! Seems like that would be like putting a fox in the hen house! Another point that was brought to my attention was the fact that a star crawling around on my LR could...
  2. aries7

    What Star?

    Would like to add a Star Fish to my tank, its a 55gal. DSB and LR and reef safe fish, no coral yet, thinking about adding some shrooms later though! How do I know what Star would be best, I would like one that tends to help keep sand clean, maybe a sand sifter? Would like to be able to watch him...
  3. aries7

    Growth on LR?

    Not feather dusters, there is nothing moving in or out of the openings!
  4. aries7

    Growth on LR?

    I have these things growing on almost everything in my tank, they are white in color and some of them look like little vases, the base is attached and the top is open! Some are like a cotton ball with a tube or opening coming out of it, these are mostly on the live rock where as the others are...
  5. aries7

    Mantis Shrimp

    Sorry about not getting back to everyone on the mantis shrimp, just haven't been online, anyway I ended up just taking out the LR that he was making his home and did the freash water thing to get him out and then gave him a long bath in freash water to do him in! Never had any luck with the...
  6. aries7

    Mantis Shrimp

    Just discovered I have a Mantis Shrimp living in my LR, I ordered a X-Termenator trap, has anyone used this trap with success or anything else as far as that goes to get rid of these things?
  7. aries7

    UV Light?

    Need some input on UV lights , the new filter system that I'm getting has a UV module with it and there seems to be mixed feelings about there worth and that they may even do damage! I have a FO tank with LR and some invertibrates!
  8. aries7

    BAK-PAK 2R Skimmer?

    Thanks for all the input on the Bak-Pak 2R, I ordered one yesterday along with a Rainbow Lifegard modular filter system! I hope this will be the system I have been looking for, not much else left to try! Thanks again, I have gotten a lot of good info off here and I have found that it is better...
  9. aries7

    Live rock?

    I,ve had live rock in my tank for a couple of months now and about three weeks ago I added two more pieces and I was wondering when does this stuff come to life? At first I noticed a few feather dusters but I think I handled it to much trying to get it the way I wanted and destroyed them! Anyway...
  10. aries7

    Hobby needs help!!

    Yes the TidePool's Syphon from tank dumps on a bio-wheel, this is where most of the noise is at! I even put a gate valve at this point in order to adjust the out put, by doing this I can adjust the valve and stop the noise caused at the syphon box and don't havwe to use the trick with the three...
  11. aries7

    Hobby needs help!!

    Mr. Salty, where did you get that self adhesive backing? As far as the filters go I have a TidePool now and its noisy where the water dumps into it and you have to keep tank topped off every day or your sump drops to where the pump is sucking air, just seems like you have to constantly adjust...
  12. aries7

    BAK-PAK 2R Skimmer?

    My tank is a 55gal., just wanted some imput from others that have used it, thought it might save me some greif if I asked before I bought!!
  13. aries7

    Hobby needs help!!

    Have been setting this 55gal. tank up for about three months now and I have tried every filter system that there is almost in those three months and they all had there problems! I am still looking for a system that works well and am about ready to try the Rainbow Lifegard! I have spent hours on...
  14. aries7

    BAK-PAK 2R Skimmer?

    Would like to know if anyone out there has tried one of these skimmers and what they thought of them? I need one that will fit back of tank and I only have about 6" of head room because of oak canopy so choices are few!
  15. aries7

    Live sand for substraight?

    Thanks for the input, I know sometimes its easy to get off track on something else, no problem!
  16. aries7

    Live sand for substraight?

    Hey the star polyps sound great but can we get back to sand as a substrate?
  17. aries7

    White spots on glass?

    Your right , I got a magnifing glass and sure enough, little spiral tubes! You say they are harmless? Where do they come from?
  18. aries7

    Live sand for substraight?

    Am thinking of replacing my substraight, which is what my lfs called puka shell, with live sand! Seems as though from all my reading and listening that live sand is what I should have used in the first place! I would like some input from some of the pro's on here as to using all live sand, would...
  19. aries7

    White spots on glass?

    Read something about this some time ago on here but can't remember what it was now and that's these little calcium like spots or deposits being left on my glass, you have to scrape to get them off they are stuck pretty good! Is something leaving them or are they living critters of some kind?
  20. aries7

    Hey Old Yeller Tang?

    Thanks Old Yeller, sure would like to get some of this stuff, it sounds like a great additive if it does everything it claims!!