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  1. aries7


    Scroll down to earlier posting, i need some info from you!
  2. aries7

    Rainbow Lifegard?

    Has anyone used or know of anyone who has used the Rainbow Lifegard Modular Filter System? Would like to hear about it if you have!
  3. aries7

    Hey Old Yeller Tang?

    The question I had on additives and a product called Vital Gold, you said your lfs carried it, could you put me in touch with them or somewhere else that I can get this product? I ordered it from the Theil ordering site but have not heard from them and can't seem to locate them to ask about it!!
  4. aries7


    Came across an article on this additive called Vital Gold, it was called Liquid Gold but the newer version is Vital Gold and its made I think by a company called Thiel Aqua Tech! Anyway to make a long story short I can't seem to locate the company or find the product, has anyone heard of it and...
  5. aries7

    Cleaner Shrimp?

    Would like everyone's opinion on what is the best of the cleaner shrimp as far as cleaning off parasites and just cleaning in general and the best survivor?
  6. aries7

    Neon Dottyback behavior?

    Just added a Neon Dottyback to aquarium along with two Emerald crads and the Neon keeps laying on the crabs! He will get right in their face and just lay on them, is he wanting the crabs to clean him or what?? The Neon has a small white spot at the base of his back fin but it is on bothe sides...
  7. aries7

    No input?

    Checked out the reef board and found that my mystery critters are "Stomatella Varia" or more commanly known as "cap snails", the reef guys put me on to some web sites with pic's and info and was able to find these guys without to much trouble!
  8. aries7

    Live rock inhabitants?

    Thanks for the tips, the photo site was great and FAQ site answered my question as to what that critter was (stomatella varia), common name for them is "cap snails"! [This message has been edited by aries7 (edited 09-02-2000).]
  9. aries7

    Live rock inhabitants?

    Am new to this reef board but thought someone here might be able to help me! I have some kritters coming out of my live rock that I would like to identify, they sort of look like a snail without a shell and they have two little antenna or feelers! First noticed them when I seen puffs or clouds...
  10. aries7

    No input?

    Thanks for the tip, I will check out the reef site and see what they say!
  11. aries7

    No input?

    Posted a question on 8-21 and got no responses, it was a question about creatures observed on live rock! I have tried doing some research on live rock and can't seem to find any info on the creatures that inhabit it, can anyone out there steer me in the right direction? I am seeing new things on...
  12. aries7

    Live Rock!

    Tank now must be around 5-6 weeks old and me and the wife were sitting in living room watching tank instead of tv and all at once she said what is that and when I looked all I could see was these what looked like Indian smoke signals coming up from the live rock and after looking closer I could...
  13. aries7

    Bio-Wheel rotation!

    I see, then I should leave everything on here and not bother to delete! Here I thought I was keeping things tidy!!
  14. aries7

    Bio-Wheel rotation!

    Thanks Mr. Limpet for the bio-wheel tip, I will check the rotation and see if that would help cut down on the bubbles, not sure what way they are rotating now but that does make sense!! Oh by the way was wondering why some topics are left on here so long, seems as though no one ever goes back...