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  1. liznkenny

    Yellow Tang Going Pale

    Thanks for your advice. Yes we do quarantine our fish when they are sick. Usually a small wound will show up which is probably from speeding in and out of the rocks. Never any evidence of aggression between any of the fish. We have started shopping for a larger tank already. We know that the...
  2. liznkenny

    Puffdaddy's Eye

    I have a coral beauty with an eye injury. It is slowly getting better. Maybe eye injuries take longer to heal than other injuries (like injuries to fins). I put my fish in the medical tank and have given him antibiotics, just to prevent infection. One website said to use 1 teaspoon of epson...
  3. liznkenny

    What damsels can be put together?

    Does anyone know if you can put a jeweled damsel with bi-color damsels? Currently have two bi-clolored damsels approx. 1.25 inches each in a 55 gallon.
  4. liznkenny

    Yellow Tang Going Pale

    Hey Everyone, Thanks for all your help!!! We bought a timer for the lights and now their time is controlled. They get about 9 hours a day of light. As for my 55 gallon tank being too small...Every fish in the tank is a baby. No one is more than two inches long. Yes, Kenny and I plan to upgrade...
  5. liznkenny

    Yellow Tang Going Pale

    i will definitely get mysis shrimp for the yellow tang and all others interested in eating it. Sorry about the tang who them so much. Was hoping the symptom of going pale meant the tang was ready for sleep time. I do know that most of my fish get pale at night, but after I turn the...
  6. liznkenny

    Yellow Tang Going Pale

    Can anyone tell me why my yellow tang is going pale usually around 7 to 8 pm? It gets pale around the stomache and gills the rest of it looks perfectly normal. Eats like a pig, is calm and seems to love the tank it's in. All our fish get along so no stress there. It has been eating flakes...
  7. liznkenny

    My new wrasse

    We have a sixline wrasse and he sleeps on the sand every night. He also hangs out during the day on the sand while laying on his side. I too thought he was dead or close to it the second day we had him. He has earned the name Flounder from this trait.
  8. liznkenny

    sixline tank size

    I have one small sixline wrasse that hides behind (dead) coral all day. He lays there so much we've named him Flounder. I have other fish in the tank, but all are peaceful and do not pick on him or each other. (2 clowns, 1 yellow tang, 1 coral beauty, 1 blue damsel, 1 strawberry gramma and 2...