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  1. kaiserpup

    fish eventually

    Eventually I'm going to get some fish. :) So as a beginner I was thinking of the following, please let me know if this sounds alright. 'First a damselfish, either a blue or a neon 'a hermit crab or two 'later a mated pair of sebae clownfish 'A redlip bleeny or a yellow goby 'eventually a...
  2. kaiserpup


    Yes, so if I get rid of the cc, and put aragonite sand in the tank instead tonight, can I still seed it with live sand tonight as well?
  3. kaiserpup


    Okay, I hear what you are saying and I've read the tutorial on setting up a live sand bed. It says place rocks along the floor, then add Aragonite Sand (or different sized organic sand)and then I seed with live rock or live sand. So if I take the cc out of my tank, and manage to find some...
  4. kaiserpup


    I don't mean to beat this death, but CAN I use both? It just seems a waste of money to have all this cc even though the dealer sold it with the tank as a package. I haven't bought the live sand yet either. :(
  5. kaiserpup


    My dealer told me to put the live sand directly over the cc. Won't that work too? She said the cc will raise the ph levels and the ls will help cycle my tank more quickly so I can add fish. <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" /> I was thinking if I do keep the cc, I could...
  6. kaiserpup


    I feel kinda dumb, but I just bought first aquarium ever, took it home, got in a hurry and set the whole thing up at once. Well, I didn't wash the crushed coral. :rolleyes: My dealer is getting my some live sand this week to pour over the coral, so I called her and asked about the dust. She...