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  1. chentiell

    Small White Dots On Glass

    Can some one please tell me what these tiny white dots are growing on my glass. The seem to be growing alot on one side of the tank, its the side that the power head is blowing towards. They are not snails, they look like a little dot then little lines all the way around them. I have seen them...
  2. chentiell

    new tank setup HELP

    Should I leave the lights off some? I was not doing that. I also am using a nitrate sponge now & I have seen the diffrence
  3. chentiell

    new tank setup HELP

    Thanks, I went to my local pet store and she gave me a something to help my alkalinity, she said that should help my ph. She saidnto test it in an hour and see if that helps, well so far it has. now i just need to test it in a couple of days. nitrate=5.0 nitrite=0 ammonia=0 ph=8.2 or a little...
  4. chentiell

    new tank setup HELP

    Thanks, I also wanted to know why my ph wont stay level. I was told to put in a ph balance, which i have been doing, but the next day its back to 7.8 it may be a little over, but not 8.0 . I have been trying to get it to an 8.2. my last water test was this morning. my nitrate =10ppm nitrite =0...
  5. chentiell

    Pleasev Help Me!!!!

    sorry nitrite -0 nitrate-10ppm
  6. chentiell

    Pleasev Help Me!!!!

    I had someone set my tank up for me. I took my water to a local pet store on yesterday and they testsed it. my nitrate was at 20ppm, nitrite was at 0, my ammonia was at 0, my ph was at 7.2. thats when they recommened ph buffer, when i got home tonight I tested it again, nitrate- 10ppm ammonia...
  7. chentiell

    Pleasev Help Me!!!!

    I set the tank up June 23rd. But I took out most ofmthe coral and rock and added mostly all new coral.Long story. I also changed one of my filters in my hang on tank. I actually just checked the ammonia again, its now at .50. Its a 110 I have 1 angel, 5 red legged crabs, 2 large snails, 3 small...
  8. chentiell

    Pleasev Help Me!!!!

    Hello, I am new to this so, what is mini pods? and I have a problem with my water also, my ph was right, my nitrate was at 40 ppm , my ammonia was right , and my nitrite was right. I was told to do a 20% water change did that. My nitrate stayed at 0 for about 3 days them went up to 20ppm,then my...
  9. chentiell

    new tank setup HELP

    can someone help me?
  10. chentiell

    Cycling again! Why?

    Hello, I am new to this so, what is mini pods? and I have a problem with my water also, my ph was right, my nitrate was at 40 ppm , my ammonia was right , and my nitrite was right. I was told to do a 20% water change did that. My nitrate stayed at 0 for about 3 days them went up to 20ppm,then my...
  11. chentiell

    adding sand?

    I have a question? Is crushed ok for a 110 gallon, or would it be better to use sand? and how many pounds ofmlive rock should I have per gallon, or can I us live rock and live sand? Some one keeps telling me that using live sand will eventually cause some kind of break down. Help
  12. chentiell

    new tank setup HELP

    I dont know how to fix my nitrate, it keeps reading at 20ppm. I am not sure if its because I dont have enough live rock. but my nitrite was testing at a 0ppm now its testing at a .25ppm. my ammonia is testing right though.
  13. chentiell

    new tank setup HELP

    I have never used any meds in my tank. Thanks for the info With all of the info I am getting I could put it into book form. Its alot to gather. More than I inticapted.But I have to do it, so you guys are going to hear alot from me if thats okay with you
  14. chentiell

    new tank setup HELP

    Can someone tell me how to set up the eggcrate? Thanks
  15. chentiell

    new tank setup HELP

    okay thanks My next questions is where does it go? where does it go and how does it go down? sorry
  16. chentiell

    new tank setup HELP

    sorry I am not sure what you mean when you say eggcrate, and once I put down sand then put the live sand ontop of that correct.
  17. chentiell

    new tank setup HELP

    Great I am glad that you told me that because I had no clue. So if I buy itb online i can just set it up and in about three weeks it will be cured? is there anything special that i need to do?
  18. chentiell

    new tank setup HELP

    Thank all of you for the great advice I will be intouch and if you can think of anything that would help me pleaseb let me know. I am sure that i will have more questions.
  19. chentiell

    new tank setup HELP

    Okay my tank is a 120gallon, i was going to buy it online, the live sand was going to be from a local store. I apologize I am not up todate with abbreviations. so please explain to me ls means live rock & LS means live sand correct. And is dry cheaper and just bas good. and dry sand is ? sorry...
  20. chentiell

    new tank setup HELP

    Right now I have about 20pounds. I wanted to know does it matter what kind it can be. I plan on purchasing some later today, but I want o know is Fiji rock alright. I am going to buy some live sand also.