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  1. alexxze

    Need Advice setting up DSB in Refugium

    I do have over 100lbs of live rock in my 125gal tank. My substrate is a mixture of coarse sand, crushed shells, and crushed coral. I know, its a bad substrate however when I set it up I was a newbie and didn't know any better. Another problem is that my tank has been going for over 7 years now...
  2. alexxze

    Mega-Powerful Nitrate and Phosphate Remover Replaces Skimmer, Refugium, Everything

    Originally Posted by SantaMonica I don't think you can seed real turf. It just washes off. Instead just buy a pre-grown screen from IA. My acrylic is doing great; averaging a half pound (wet) algae per week. No major mods needed to the design, yet. I'm not sure I understand your design plan...
  3. alexxze

    Need Advice setting up DSB in Refugium

    I am in the process of trying to set up a Deep Sand Bed for the purpose of hopefully reducing nitrates and need some assistance. I have a small separate compartment in my sump that is around 8 gal (15x10x12) which has a built in overflow that drains back in to the sump. I feed the compartment by...
  4. alexxze

    Mega-Powerful Nitrate and Phosphate Remover Replaces Skimmer, Refugium, Everything

    Santa Monica, I've read through the entire thread and most of my questions have been covered. I was curious however if you ever considered ripping off a handfull of the real turf algae you found on the piling during your trip to the ocean and rubber banding it to a new screen to see if you could...