Need Advice setting up DSB in Refugium


New Member
I am in the process of trying to set up a Deep Sand Bed for the purpose of hopefully reducing nitrates and need some assistance. I have a small separate compartment in my sump that is around 8 gal (15x10x12) which has a built in overflow that drains back in to the sump. I feed the compartment by way of a 100gph pump that runs from the sump through a UV sterilizer and empties into the compartment. In reality the real life flow is more like 40gph. I use the compartment as acclimation tank for new arrivals and to grow some cheato but until now it has had a smooth bottom, but I want to try a DSB.
I purchased 10lbs of live sand from which was not nearly enough so I bought another 15lbs of Aragonite Sand from the LFS and have been adding a cup or two a day for the past 2 weeks and now the depth of the sand bed is 4" throughout the compartment. I placed the cheato in a long necked glass jar (I wasn't sure if having it directly on top of the sand was a good idea) with the incoming water hose placed inside the jar for flow. The only inhabitants in the refugium right now are 5 pistol shrimp (free gift from on last order) that were too small to survive in the DT but are large enough now to go. There is no sign of any worms or other critters in the sand although there is a small population of pods in the cheato jar, but the pistol shrimp seem to like to hang out on top of the cheato and my guess is they are snacking on any pods that wander to close to the surface. My refugium light is a 13w PC but there is a space for a second bulb in the housing if I wanted more light.
My question is what conditions to I need to create in the refugium in order for the DSB to come to life and be healthy. Is 4" deep enough or do I need to add more sand? I read that there needs to be movement of the water over the surface but not strong enough to disturb the sand. Is the 40 gph through the refugium enough flow to where I could just add a powerhead inside to increase water movement over the surface of the sand or should I add a second pump and increase the gph through the fuge. How much light and how many hours per day? Should the pistol shrimp stay or go? Should I add snails or crabs? What else do I need that I have overlooked?
Finally, I read that some people see small bubbles forming in the sand and this is a sign that the sand is working to convert nitrates in to nitrogen. Should my ultimate goal be to see the bubbles form or can the DSB be working without the small bubbles?


Active Member
i don't have any experience with dsb's, but i think 4" is the bare minimum. i would go with a 6" bed.


Okay with a DSB 4 1/4 to 4 1/2 inches will do just fine. in that small of a space it will help some. I feel a DSB works best when used in conjuction with a decent amount of live rock. Live rock gets the same denitrifying bacteria as down in a DSB. When used together you get optimal denitrification in a closed system. So do you have live rock? And if you have a shallow sand bed in your DT then you are simply making more nitrate for the DSB and live rock to breakdown.


New Member
I do have over 100lbs of live rock in my 125gal tank. My substrate is a mixture of coarse sand, crushed shells, and crushed coral. I know, its a bad substrate however when I set it up I was a newbie and didn't know any better. Another problem is that my tank has been going for over 7 years now and there are areas under the live rock that I can't vacuum out without basically tearing down the LR wall, so I just leave it alone. Part of the reason for wanting to experiment with a DSB in the refugium is that I'll be moving into a new house at the end of next year and upgrading to a 300gal setup. I'm trying to get some experience in new areas that I want to incorporate into the 300gal set up when the time comes. All in all I'm pretty happy with my current tank. I do a 50% water change once a month and everything humms along pretty smoothly with the exception of my pesky nitrates being higher than I like.


Active Member
try adding about 2-5 lbs of LR rubble to the DSB and you should be golden, then, take the chaeto outta the bottle, and place it on top of the LR rubble, and you should be GTG