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  1. tangirl

    Powder Blue tangs

    BTW is there ANY way that in a 150 I could put a Powder blue with a yellow tang. (If I add the tang 8-9 months after the Powder Blue. I've other mention 2 dwarf angels in a tank that size but....??... In Canada I think I'll be lucky to find a PB for $100 so I don't want them to kill each...
  2. tangirl

    Powder Blue tangs

    Anyone sucessfully kept these fish in a FO tank? Are they VERY suseptible to Marine Ich. Is this tang best to be avoided.Would really like PB tang or a Blue hippo, can't decide. Blue hippo's tend to hide more don't they?(I don't want that)I want SEE all their beautiful colors!!
  3. tangirl


    How big will a foxface get? I had read that these fish are somewhat peaceful, but over on the Agressive Forum I see others have them with lions and triggers.??..Is it because of their size? I would want to put him with a couple clowns, dwarf angel, 2 tangs and poss. a flame hawk? Any thoughts...
  4. tangirl

    ?? re: Foxface and Dwarf Angels

    Thanks for the warning RDC30-06, I have since dropped the hope of having 3 and would like to try a blue hippo and a purple tang. They won't bully 2 clowns,and a dwarf angel, would they? (Particularly the purple tang.) Thanks again.
  5. tangirl

    ?? re: Foxface and Dwarf Angels

    I have looked into the "inches of fish per gallon" and what I have found is this: 1" per 2 gal for a fish-only set up and 1" per 6 gal for a reef set up.Easy to mistaken considering alot of people on this forum have a reef set-up. Overstocking is a big concern for me, and I am well aware of it's...
  6. tangirl

    ?? re: Foxface and Dwarf Angels

    Thanks for the advice so far everyone. BTW I have not yet set up my tank. These are just my choice fish to stock with. As for overloading, I suppose I don't understand. Even with ALL the fish I would like at maximum length they should reach approx. 50" worth of fish. So, at 2 gals. per inch of...
  7. tangirl

    ?? re: Foxface and Dwarf Angels

    What "family" does a Foxface belong to? (concerned with compatability)And how big do they get? The tankmates I would like to put him with are: Maroon clown, Auriga butterfly, flame angel/coral beauty, purple tang, blue hippo, and a kole/ yellow eye tang. I have been told that with my big set-up...