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  1. 1man

    Brittle Star Compatibility

    Hello, I have read a few threads about brittle star compatibility in regards to aggressive fish and it seems as if some people say "No Way" and others say " I haven't had a problem". So my question is, do the Spiny-type brittle stars have enough defense to survive in my tank. I have a 150-gal...
  2. 1man


    Hello, This post may be more appropriate in another forum; however, to answer your question, yes you can use distilled water. But, what types of problems are you having? p.s. Be sure to describe your setup so the people in this forum have a best information to help you.
  3. 1man

    Say hello to the new member..

    Thanks. The only reason I'm asking is because my butterfly was killed the other day (impaled by the lionfish) and I would like to add an orange-shoulder tang or another butterfly. However, I'm concerned because of the types of fish I already have. I'm not sure a new fish will be able to survive.
  4. 1man

    Say hello to the new member..

    How long does the initial "beating" usually last?
  5. 1man

    Say hello to the new member..

    Nice looking fish. Do you have any problems with having multiple tangs?