Search results

  1. nufc

    Bi-coloured Angel very sick

    Hi, I bought a Bi-coloured angel about 18 days ago, i put it in a hospital tank and watched, he seemed fine for a couple of days but then i noticed about three or four white spots. i started a course of treatment with cuprazin for 10 days, every day it looked better and when i finished the...
  2. nufc

    Help Urgent!!

    Hi Thanks for the great input. reduced the salinity as you said, only got one fish left now one clown, he does seem to moving around a little like his old self. if he does or doesn't survive would it still be advisable to leave the tank for a 4-5 weeks? These are the first fish i have lost...
  3. nufc

    Help Urgent!!

    My yellow tang is dead now Can anyone please help save my clowns!!!!!!!!
  4. nufc

    Help Urgent!!

    Hi, About two weeks ago my yellow tang started to show a few white spots on its fins. so i decided to set up a hospital tank. while i was setting it up i fed the fish with food soaked in garlic. every thing seemed to clear up after two days. But, this morning my yellow tang is in a terrible...
  5. nufc

    help spots!!!

    Hi Beth thanks for your input, the yellow tang is the only one with small white spots on its fins, i think i saw one on its body but could not be sure. i have watched it for hours and not once has it tried to rub or scratch itself on the rock or anything else for that matter. i am setting up a...
  6. nufc

    help spots!!!

  7. nufc

    help spots!!!

    Hi, Can anyone sort this problem out for me? When I was feeding my fish yesterday I noticed very small white dots on my yellow tangs fins, it feeds well and the spots don’t seem to be bothering it. I think this could just be the start of something and want to get it sorted very soon. In my 50...
  8. nufc


    Yes it feeds for england, takes what ever you give it once a week. Thanks for all your help Mark
  9. nufc


    Thanks for your time. Can i do anything in the mean time to save my ritteri!!!
  10. nufc


    I will have to try and get it sooner. but what wattage should i get and ahould i run it with my ohter lights ? Thanks
  11. nufc


    Hi, My LFS advised me to use Kalkwasser, Strontium & Molybdenum and Iodine as a suppliment, on a daily basis. Is this benificial or is he just wanting a sale? Any advice would be great.
  12. nufc


    Ok, 48x18x15 tank, 20kilos LR, Prism Skimmer, 11gal Sump, Two 160gph Powerheads, 38w marine white, 30 10,000K, 30w Actinic. 20 assorted hermits, snails. Boxing Shrimp, Cleaner shrimp, two black & white clowns, blue chromis, cleaner wrasse. The reason i was asking is i bought a ritter anemone...
  13. nufc


    Hi, My LFS advised me to use Kalkwasser, Strontium & Molybdenum and Iodine as a suppliment, on a daily basis. Is this benificial or is he just wanting a sale? Any advice would be great.
  14. nufc

    will tank cycle

    Thanks Thats set my mind at rest
  15. nufc

    will tank cycle

    Hi, i need to drill a hole in my tank for the sump. but i have got to empty it. if i put my L/R & water in my second tank will it cycle? or can i put my fish straight in. Also when i have my original tank set up and the sump running will it also cycle? when i return the sand & L/R, if it does...
  16. nufc

    anemone a bit pale

    My readings are fine i have a Marine blue Actinic, Coralife 10,000K daylight lamp, Marine White light, Prism Protien skimmer, 2 Powerheads. I was using a canaster filter with just floss in it but it broke so i am in the middle of making a sump. my LFS told me the lighting would be fine. It's not...
  17. nufc

    anemone a bit pale

    Hi, I have a ritter anemone in my 55g tank along with 20kilo L/R Two black & white clowns, cleaner wrasse, blue chromis and a clean up crew. the ritter anemone acts fine opens closes moves all over the tank but just recently is looking a bit pale can anyone help. Thanks
  18. nufc


    I have just bought a Ritter anemone about a week ago, it wasn't happy on the rock i put it on and started to move around, but, it has found its place and hasn't moved for two days. stuck right in the middle of the front glass all you can see of it is the underneath. Is there any way i can get it...
  19. nufc

    Scarlet hermit eaten

    Thanks for the replies it must have been the skin, all hermits accounted for.
  20. nufc

    Scarlet hermit eaten

    When i got up this morning and looked in the tank my Boxing shrimp was eating one of my scarlet hermit crabs, do you think the shrimp killed it or it died. all i have in my 55gal is 5 turbos, 5 (now 4) scarlet hermits, 5 blue leg hermits, a cleaner wrass and a blue chromis. any help wuld be great