

New Member
My LFS advised me to use Kalkwasser, Strontium & Molybdenum and Iodine as a suppliment, on a daily basis.
Is this benificial or is he just wanting a sale?
Any advice would be great.


Depends on what you are planning to keep, what you have currently, and how old the tank is. Adding all of this stuff would be useless if you are trying keep a clam under normal FLO's. Give us a run-down of your tank specs, lighting etc, uptime and what you are looking to do with the tank.


New Member
48x18x15 tank, 20kilos LR, Prism Skimmer, 11gal Sump, Two 160gph Powerheads, 38w marine white, 30 10,000K, 30w Actinic.
20 assorted hermits, snails. Boxing Shrimp, Cleaner shrimp, two black & white clowns, blue chromis, cleaner wrasse.
The reason i was asking is i bought a ritter anemone and it was fine for a couple of months but is currently looking bleached. I thought that my lighting wasn't enough but my LFS said it was fine (proberbly because they sold it to me) and that was when they told me to add the suppliments.
I am saving up for some metal halides but it will not be till after xmas.


Active Member
Ritteri's need lots of light, not additives.
Your anenome is going to be dead very soon. I am sorry to say.
An anenome has a very low metabolism and usually be the time you see they are in trouble it is too late.
It definetly won't make it till Christmas.
With regular water changes, you don't need supplements with your setup as is.
I am sure that if you started the suppliments and your anenome dies they will say it was because you waited too long. This is nonsense. Anenomes need to fed and that includes good lighting.


New Member
I will have to try and get it sooner.
but what wattage should i get and ahould i run it with my ohter lights ?


Active Member
One 175 will get you through on a budget. Use it with your existing lights. Maybe 8-10hours for the MH and 12 for the others.


Active Member
Has it been feeding?
Try some food - shrimp, silversides, krill, squid. It could give it a boost but you may be too late.
Ritteri are supposed to be some of the most difficult to keep specimens in a group that already has a high mortality rate.
Sorry, I hate to hear about anenomes dying. They actually live centuries in the wild, but seldom over a year in our tanks.


New Member
Yes it feeds for england, takes what ever you give it once a week.
Thanks for all your help


NUFC, start with the kalkwasser and monitor your calcium and alkalinity. These are the basics you should start out with. Skip the strontium, molyb, and iodine. You do not need those, save your money. I cannot help you with your ritteri, but correct levels of calcium and alkalinity are very important in a reef tank.
[ September 25, 2001: Message edited by: botp2k1 ]


I have an anenome that has been sick for over a month. Wouldn't eat, color bad,shedding pieces of dead skin etc. Last week I started adding a supplement to the tank that adds trace elements and vitamins. This morning he was opened up and took some flake along with the fish. I'm not sure what in the Coralife he needed, but it did the trick. Worth trying.


Your levels should always be good but calcium and alkalinity are not as necessary as the basics (ammonia, nitrate, nitrites). Most anenomes need food more than lighting and therefore less intense lighting can be used if they are fed.