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  1. tomw

    dead fish..white spots on glass

    ed thanks for your input...? if ich last 30 days will that mean that IF the 2 fish live(?) and I have been useing "no ich" that the ich will be the main tank? then when and If i get new fish that go into q tank for 30 days It will put the risk of ich very very low? and what of...
  2. tomw

    dead fish..white spots on glass

    hey thanks for the info...down to 2 fish,I will continue to use the no-ich..for 30days (ich should be dead then anyway!) and I have gone to othe webb sites to check out "harmless fan feeders"..I think that that is what is the "white"spots on MY does one remove these? I have tried the...
  3. tomw

    dead fish..white spots on glass

    I could use some help! I have a 30 gal. tank..set up for 3 months.. live rock(so far) had 6 damsels(SP)..have 2 crabs..2 hermit crabs 10 trob is my problem Fish had or have itch (I think) treating with "no ich"..have lost all but 2 fish to "ICH".( I am going to this month get a 10...
  4. tomw

    What was the hardest part in setting up your reef?

    waiting....and wating then putting fish in and getting itch! i soo much to learn...I think the learning part of it. 'cause I didn't know how dumb I was regarding whole thing
  5. tomw

    Big Green Crab found in LR

    I have 2 crabs and enjoy them very much unfortulay we lost a fish and couldn't find it(?) next thing (about a week later) one of the crabs comes out with a spine (from the dead fish) and a little meat on it(the spine) and just draged the spine around until he finished it. (am I sick?)
  6. tomw


    I have set up reef tank..only about 3 months or so I have a few(!) only 4 damsels(SP) 2 crabs & 8 snails..but I want to say much better than wife and I seem to just sit in front of the tank and watch all that goes on. I guess we need a life but its so cool is anyone else...
  7. tomw

    new member

    welcome I too am a new member and new in the line of salt water....i am trying to keep fish healthy and NOT to swim upside down.
  8. tomw

    new member

    Originally posted by joshh: <strong>i just singed up on this site and love it so far everyone on here seems to be great people anyway i was just saying high :D </strong><hr></blockquote>
  9. tomw

    new guy needs help

    just into salt water only set up for 2 months sarg. major has white bumps (cauliflower?). Fish eats well and swims well does not act sick. tank water ok....have other fish in tank and all others seem ok (at this time). "White bumps" seem to be "eating" fins. "bumps" are on some of the fins...