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  1. bahalana1984

    truvu 55 gallon light

    IceCap Spotlight Pendant 70 Watt/150 Watt does this come with a ballast?and also it say's 70 watt/150watt.. can i put this bulb in there? or it cant handle the power?,,,ok how bout this can u recomend me a set up but around this price like u...
  2. bahalana1984

    truvu 55 gallon light

    man that was some crazy set up he has or she,,,,ok so for the metal halide,,i can buy them at home depot or something?i mean is there anywere were u can recomend me were i can do such thing?i would really appriciate it,,im so use to pc's,,but now i want mh,,
  3. bahalana1984

    truvu 55 gallon light

    oh an also is it safe to use sand frm the beach,,where u have to dig in the middle of the beach?i was thinking of using that?or its not such a goothank youd idea?
  4. bahalana1984

    truvu 55 gallon light

    yes it is 24 inch deep,,,,,,damn cuz those halides are very expensive?is there an easier way to get that lighting?i mean like build it frm scratch,,the halides?can even keep some zoos in there?
  5. bahalana1984

    65g reef journal

    i like the last picture trying to start on a new 55 gallon hex,,,but i want to get all the stuff first,,then start adding...looks good,,
  6. bahalana1984

    truvu 55 gallon light

    i just bought a use truvu 55 hex..i was wondering if my corallife pc 130 watts is enough light for this type of tank,,,and also enough light's for corals and such,,,and i do want to keep a bubble tip anemone,,will it be enough????thank you