truvu 55 gallon light


New Member
i just bought a use truvu 55 hex..i was wondering if my corallife pc 130 watts is enough light for this type of tank,,,and also enough light's for corals and such,,,and i do want to keep a bubble tip anemone,,will it be enough????thank you


It's enough for fish only. But probably not enough to keep coral or the anemone.
Hex tanks are usually pretty deep, so require more light than a longer more shallow show tank.
To keep coral in a hex, if it's 24 inches deep (i'm just guessing) you'll need somewhere around 5-6 watts per gallon for soft coral and more for hard coral. So probably 300 watts at a minimum, probably will need VHO or Metal Halides. PC probably won't provide enough light in a deep tank.
VHO might provide your best option because it can be closer to the water level. (metal halides need to be at least 6" off the water) Since it's probably a deep tank, the closer the better.


New Member
yes it is 24 inch deep,,,,,,damn cuz those halides are very expensive?is there an easier way to get that lighting?i mean like build it frm scratch,,the halides?can even keep some zoos in there?


New Member
oh an also is it safe to use sand frm the beach,,where u have to dig in the middle of the beach?i was thinking of using that?or its not such a goothank youd idea?


i wouldn't use sand from the beach personally. you can introduce bad things to the tank that way. It would need to be live sand as well or it will cycle in your tank. Save yourself some headaches and just spend the money on sand.
A cheaper option for a hex might be to make your own fixture by making a square or hex hanging hood that hangs above the tank and mount a 400 watt industrial metal halide with a reflector inside.
See this thread.... huge tank.. but look at the lighting part, he uses 3 but just one would work fine for you...
your problem is the 24" depth of your tank. You'll need strong light to get enough to the bottom. 5-6 watts per gallon is going to be the minimum even for moderate light soft corals.


New Member
man that was some crazy set up he has or she,,,,ok so for the metal halide,,i can buy them at home depot or something?i mean is there anywere were u can recomend me were i can do such thing?i would really appriciate it,,im so use to pc's,,but now i want mh,,


Here's some links for you,.. if you don't want to build it yourself.. you can get a pendant and hang it.
Here is an article about someone setting up an advanced Hex tank with a pendent with a 150 watt metal halide in it.
he seems to have a nice variety of corals with the 150 in the link above. Seems like it's only 150$ after you buy the bulb.
But he has a 42 gallon in the article.. you might need the bump up to 250 watts for the 55. Just search Metal Halide pendants on google.


New Member
IceCap Spotlight Pendant 70 Watt/150 Watt
does this come with a ballast?and also it say's 70 watt/150watt..
can i put this bulb in there?
or it cant handle the power?,,,ok how bout this can u recomend me a set up but around this price like u said 150 or 160..thank abd sorry for all the newb questions..but i do apprreciate u helping me


Unfortunately looks like it will cost a bit more than 150$.. but this is what I would do.
Go with the 250 watt, it's not as flashy looking as that little 150 i sent ya..
but from this link
Go with the 250 HQI Ballast, 250/400 IceCap Pendant, the Hanging kit, and either the 10K 250 bulb or the 14K 250 bulb.. but I recommend the 10K.. it has a better spectrum of light for corals if you only have one bulb.