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  1. justseame

    Disease identification

    Hello. My yellow tang is showing signs of some sort of disease or ?? He has a reddish/orange discoloration on the top of his fin, the back near his tail on both sides of his body and a bit between his eyes down to his cute little mouth. He's eating, swimming, and breathing fine. Water is...
  2. justseame

    Disease identification

    Hello. My yellow tang is showing signs of some sort of disease or ?? He has a reddish/orange discoloration on the top of his fin, the back near his tail on both sides of his body and a bit between his eyes down to his cute little mouth. He's eating, swimming, and breathing fine. Water is...
  3. justseame

    Water change?

    Today I did a water change and everything seemed to be fine for several hours. Before I went out tonight I noticed my Coral was hiding even though the lights on the tank were still on. I thought that maybe he was stressed from the water change but it did seem odd that he wasn't stressed earlier...
  4. justseame

    need everyones advice

    I am new to this hobby too. My equipment was bought used from a friend that has been doing saltwater tanks for the past twelve years and I am sure I saved money doing that. When I began the hobby I didn't even THINK about cost which lead me to spend money impulsively and I bought decorations...
  5. justseame

    Eat Your Vegtables?

    Oh yeah...Dan'l is the one that mentioned not feeding them stuff that grows on land and Katie is the one that mentioned feeding them whatever they would normally eat in the wild...both helped me make the no land veggie food decision..thanks...
  6. justseame

    Eat Your Vegtables?

    What makes the most sense is to stick with feeding them whatever actually grows in the I guess I was going to start experimenting with land grown veggies until I read the post from Katie and all of the sudden a BIG LIGHT BULB flashed...Thanks! ~N~
  7. justseame

    Eat Your Vegtables?

    Does anyone feed veggies to their fish? If so, what kind of fish like them and what kind of veggies do you feed them? A fish store told me to feed my Blue Tang fresh seaweed. ~N~
  8. justseame

    Copper in tank

    Thanks for more replies! First off I need to say that the Blue Tang was a birthday present to me and my tank had been up and cycling for about 4 weeks before he was added. My Tang is doing great now so I won't be returning him. I am religious about checking my pH, Ammonia, Nitrite, and Nitrate...
  9. justseame

    Copper in tank

    Thank for the quick answers to my questions. I will not add anymore copper to my tank. Yes, I did read that copper can leach into the dead rock and decorations....bummer. I never intended to put any inverts into this tank so I'm not too disappointed about this tank not being suitable for them. I...
  10. justseame

    Copper in tank

    I am a new Aquarist. I treated my tank with copper at the suggestion of the fish store because a newly added (my first expensive fish) Blue Tang had signs of parasites. The Tang is doing well. I have nothing but fish in the tank. The copper ran at 2.5 for two weeks and is now reading 1.5 I am...