Eat Your Vegtables?


New Member
Does anyone feed veggies to their fish? If so, what kind of fish like them and what kind of veggies do you feed them? A fish store told me to feed my Blue Tang fresh seaweed. ~N~


You can buy seaweed selects which should be readily aviable at a lfs. Also I have heard of people feeding broccli. You can also find places that sell alge that the fish like to eat.


We've just started using Seaweed Selects for our tangs, and they (after 3 days of ignoring it) are starting to chow it down. We are letting it soak in Zoe (a vitamin suppliment) overnight in the fridge so that they can be super healthy.
We have also put the little tips off of brocoli into the water, and they DO eat it. I am not sure how good or bad it is, and we've only done this once. I have heard of some people making a 1 cup (a week) batch of a veggie mix that they put into a blender or food processor to cut up a little bit (not turn into a pulp), and they feed that.
Our fish like like plants the best, and love nibbling on them all day long. I have had to put a small refugium in just to grow more plants (calerpa).
A great thing is romaine lettuce. Buy it at a local grocery store. But before putting it in the tank, nuke it in a microwave for like 10 sec. or so, so you get rid of the cellulose(harmful for your fish). then attach it to a clip with a suction cup on it, so you can attach it to the glass. Or you can just throw it in after nuking it.It's a great thing for tangs and angels.


I have read that romaine lettuce provides little to no nutritional value. I'd try the Seaweed Selects or get some Nori seaweed from your grocery store.
I think it's always best to get as close as possible to what they would actually eat in the wild.


Active Member
I don't have practical experience with it, but I've read on this bb that you shouldn't feed fish stuff that grows on land. Get stuff that grows in the ocean! :cool:
Take care,
Dan'l :D


New Member
What makes the most sense is to stick with feeding them whatever actually grows in the I guess I was going to start experimenting with land grown veggies until I read the post from Katie and all of the sudden a BIG LIGHT BULB flashed...Thanks! ~N~


New Member
Oh yeah...Dan'l is the one that mentioned not feeding them stuff that grows on land and Katie is the one that mentioned feeding them whatever they would normally eat in the wild...both helped me make the no land veggie food decision..thanks...


seaweed selects, nori, romaine lettuce, bochoy, chard, broccoli are all good. But, the veggies have to be washed real good especailly the broccoli due to pesticides.


Another thing I tried which went over well was frozed peas (thawed of course). They seemed to really enjoy it!