Search results

  1. putster

    Adding Water to New Aquarium

    I am setting up my new aquarium and was wondering whether I can use tap water to fill the tank or if I should use RO/DI water. I would have to buy the RO/DI water and lug it home, so tap water would be much easier. What should I do?
  2. putster

    CF Bulb Type

    I plan on getting a CF hood that comes with 3 bulbs. Should I get 2 10K bulbs and 1 Actinic or the other way around? I will start out with a FOWLR then probably add some easy corals.
  3. putster

    Algae Cleaners

    Can anyone recommend the type and number of algae eaters for a 29g tank. Has anyone had any experience with the packages offered on the website run by the animal doctors?;)
  4. putster

    Non-Aragonite Sand

    It's called "Super Naturals Aquarium Gravel From Around The World." It has the Carib Sea logo on the bag. According to the Carib Sea website it is not aragonite.
  5. putster

    Non-Aragonite Sand

    I bought some Carib Sea white marine sand from my LFS and later discovered it was not aragonite based. Everyone seems to recommend only aragonite sands, true? Should I take it back and buy something different? What is a good grain size? I personally like the sugar sized stuff. Is that a good...
  6. putster

    Invertebrate Only With LR Tank

    I have couple questions about this kind of setup. First, does anyone have this kind of tank? If so, what have been your experiences? What kind of supplements and test kits should I use? Would 3 watts/gallon of light be enough? Maybe I should have asked if this tank is even feasable. Thanks.
  7. putster

    How Much LS To Seed Dead Sand?

    If I put in 30 lbs. of dead sand in my 29g, how much LS should I put in to seed it?
  8. putster

    Using Filter When Curing LR

    If I were to use a filter that has an established bacteria colony, would that hurt or help the curing process of my live rock? I thought it might help keep the ammonia levels down. Also, if I had 150 watts over a 29 gallon tank, would that be enough for most corals? Thanks. -Tim
  9. putster

    How To Cure LR

    I was wondering if you guys and gals could tell me their method for curing LR in a new tank. I have heard a number of different ways and would like to get a concensus on how to do it. Also, what size sand grains should I go with? I was thinking I would use the smallest grade, is that ok? Thanks.
  10. putster

    All My Newbie Questions

    I will be setting up a 29g reef aquarium and have some questions. 1. When cycling the live rock, I do not need to use a skimmer, correct? 2. Could I or should I use a canister filter that I have, when cycling the LR? 3. Should I place the LR directly on the bottom of the aquarium or can I place...
  11. putster

    Basic LR/LS Question

    When adding LR and LS to a new tank, can I put them in together or should I wait until the LR is cycled to add the LS? And how much should LS cost per pound? I have seen quite a variance in prices on the 'net. Thanks.
  12. putster

    LR/LS Question

    I have a couple of questions. First, does all my sand need to be LS, or can I have a layer of regular sand, then a layer of LS on top? Secondly, when placing my LR, can I put on top of the sand, or do I need to set it on the bottom of the aquarium and put the sand around it?
  13. putster

    Dream Reef

    When I have enough money, this is the type of setup I want. Here's a link. <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
  14. putster

    southdown play sand

    Originally posted by <strong>I have spent a few days calling every where (Home Depots in different States) looking for Southdown tropical playsand. Texas does not carry it to the best of my knowledge. I found a few places in New York,Missouri and Penn. that carry the stuff....the...