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  1. kails83

    pink spotted shrimp goby

    I have a pink spotted goby and noticed that for the first few days he didn't eat much and just sort of stayed hidden. Now he recognizes us (apparently anyway) and will come out more when we are watching the fish. He has also begun sifting the sand (taking bites of the sand and sifting it out...
  2. kails83

    Is this Cruel???

    I haven't seen one in a salt tank either. However I have heard other similar cases of it happening. If I remember right it was where the owners were inexperienced or didn't have complete advice, strated them out in brackish water and when cleaning the tank anded more salt. However since salt...
  3. kails83

    cc star and cleaner shrimp ?

    I think it depends on the cleaner shrimp and/or the fish you end up with. My cleaner has set up cleaning station for the fish and sometimes you can see the tangs following him around until he gets the point and cleans them. :cheer: I have noticed him cleaning everything else in the tank though...
  4. kails83

    Should I Or Should I Not?? Purchase A Tiny Blue Tang!

    Ohiorn67, I have a concern. I noticed you were talking about a purple tang and a sailfin tang. I was researching on this site, because I have a sailfin and am interested in a purple, and found that they are not compatible. Apparently with the purple tang and sailfin tang you have to be shape...
  5. kails83

    First timer

    You can use a hose to pull the water out, use it as syphon. Or at some pet stores you can buy a vacuum/syphon that hooks right up to your faucet and uses the tap water to pull the water out of your tank. It will also pull out some of the waste if you put it closer to the bottom. We have it for...