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  1. badfrog5

    whats this ??

    Originally Posted by VALgae U know, looking at it again it looks like gsp w/o the green tips. if u check out some other pics of gsp the bases of the polyps are pink fading into the green. ARE THE WHITE THINGS ON THAT ROCK NEW POLYPS ???
  2. badfrog5

    whats this ??

    Originally Posted by coraljunky Do you have xenia in your tank? I dont think i do !!! do you have pic of xenia??
  3. badfrog5

    whats this ??

    Originally Posted by ReeferEric Pretty confused on what you're looking at here. What white stuff? And those star polyps look a lot more pink than green... Yes the white things I am pretty sure thats what I asked in my first posting. So whats there to confuse you ???
  4. badfrog5

    ID coral please

    growing out of me green star polyp
  5. badfrog5

    Pre Filters

    I learned the hard way !! $40.00 pink tip, caught in filter pick up didnt catch it in time he died and and when he did it spiked the tank and lost 4 real spendy fish !
  6. badfrog5

    whats this ??

    what are these white things comming from my green star polyp grasses
  7. badfrog5

    135 gallon tank includes everything $200

    Originally Posted by namas05 If you are going to drill it drill the back glass not the bottom. you cant drill tempered glass it has to be drilled be4 it has the temper treatment
  8. badfrog5

    dumb question

    how can i speed up the return of dead rock to live rock again ?? do they have baby coral you can attached to the rock ? i have some small holes in the rock from f/dusters and would like to fill them with new dusters whats my best plan of attack ???
  9. badfrog5

    Brown alge help

    Is it good or bad?? what is it a sign of ?? what do I do to get rid of it ??(if need be)
  10. badfrog5

    Dead Rock

    THANK GUYS i will boil it 10 minutes that shold kill all them bad little buggers
  11. badfrog5

    Dead Rock

    I have had a piece of rock out by the pond for a couple yrs now after we had to take down our last tank (tank broke while on vaca. what a nice smell to come home to! ) now i have restarted a new tank ! what should i do to that rock to make sure it safe to put in new tank ?? I power washed it...
  12. badfrog5

    cloudy water

    Originally Posted by nacl freak Oh, and are you using r/o water? ok iam a dummy whats r/o ?? still pretty new to all this fish talk LOL
  13. badfrog5

    cloudy water

    still looking for help
  14. badfrog5

    cloudy water

    OK i have changed the water again today about 50% this time and still has a light milky color to it . any clue to why i have this and best way to get rid of it ????
  15. badfrog5

    cloudy water

  16. badfrog5

    cloudy water

    Originally Posted by SpiderWoman How long has the anemone been in the tank? For future reference you should never put an anemone into a new tank that isn't established yet with excellent water quality. I'd recommend changing water asap. the anemones have been there about a week/week & half...
  17. badfrog5

    cloudy water

    I did about a 20% water change around 430 pm today dont see any big change think it would be safe to do another 20% w/change again tonight ???
  18. badfrog5

    cloudy water

    does anyone think it just might be a cycle change ?? this tank has only been up and active for 3 weeks or so this is what another LFS told me it was any ideas ppl JUST NOTE its a milky white cloudy looking if I had young kids I would thought they poured a gallon of milk in it LOL
  19. badfrog5

    cloudy water

    Originally Posted by Devil Dog sometims when anemones are not happy they will make the water cloudy... Thanks for the reply any idea what i should do ?
  20. badfrog5

    cloudy water

    my water went cloudy and i have no clue (100 gal tank) all my water test are neg. i have underground and a emp. 400.w/bi wheel filter everone in in tank is happy & hungry , anemones real active 1-tomato clown 2- yellow tail dams 1- black dam 1-blue fin dam and 1 coral shrimp so i know tank...