cloudy water


my water went cloudy and i have no clue (100 gal tank)
all my water test are neg. i have underground and a emp. 400.w/bi wheel filter
everone in in tank is happy & hungry , anemones real active
1-tomato clown 2- yellow tail dams 1- black dam 1-blue fin dam
and 1 coral shrimp so i know tank not over loaded
LFS says that it happens and he has some stuff to clear the water
tell me what you would do before putting a chem in the tank

devil dog

Active Member
Originally Posted by badfrog5
my water went cloudy and i have no clue (100 gal tank)
all my water test are neg. i have underground and a emp. 400.w/bi wheel filter
everone in in tank is happy & hungry , anemones real active
1-tomato clown 2- yellow tail dams 1- black dam 1-blue fin dam
and 1 coral shrimp so i know tank not over loaded
LFS says that it happens and he has some stuff to clear the water
tell me what you would do before putting a chem in the tank
sometims when anemones are not happy they will make the water cloudy...


does anyone think it just might be a cycle change ??
this tank has only been up and active for 3 weeks or so
this is what another LFS told me it was
any ideas ppl
its a milky white cloudy looking
if I had young kids I would thought they poured a gallon of milk in it LOL


Active Member
How long has the anemone been in the tank? For future reference you should never put an anemone into a new tank that isn't established yet with excellent water quality.
I'd recommend changing water asap.


I did about a 20% water change around 430 pm today
dont see any big change
think it would be safe to do another 20% w/change again tonight ???


Originally Posted by SpiderWoman
How long has the anemone been in the tank? For future reference you should never put an anemone into a new tank that isn't established yet with excellent water quality.
I'd recommend changing water asap.
the anemones have been there about a week/week & half
they are small


OK i have changed the water again today about 50% this time
and still has a light milky color to it .
any clue to why i have this and best way to get rid of it ????


Move the power heads to the top of water. Don't do anymore water changes, its probably stirring things up when you add the water back.
Turn off all unnecessary flow & wait! Things will clear up.
Hands out of tank!!!!

nacl freak

Reverse osmosis water. It's basically highly filtered water. It is very highly [like that word] recommended. Tap water can contain metals and chemicals that will affect your water quality and the health of your tank. Check out threads in new hobbiest. The tap water in my area contains alot of Ca. If added to my tank I found it will stay cloudy. Running carbon in your filtration will help clarify your water, although there are mixed ideas on using any added chemicals to your tank.


Did you introduce or change anything in the tank prior to the cloudy water?
I had a cloudy water problem recently, 1 day it was clear next day you couldnt see from one end to the other. I had added a new pump and changed the directions on the another. It bascially disturbed all my dead spots and clouded up the water. Did a 20% water change and it all cleared up within a couple days.