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  1. lady becca

    Using Live Brine shrimp

    What do you feed the brine shrimp? How long until they reach adult hood?
  2. lady becca

    Using Live Brine shrimp

    OK... Sometimes I feel really stupid. I wanted to give my fish live brine shrimp. So, I bought eggs, san fransico variety, and they hatched! Thought I was good to go... Now I am reading that they need to be "rinsed" before putting them into my tank for food. They are so blasted small, how do...
  3. lady becca

    Clownfish developing freckles!

    I was checking out my tank (yea I was sitting there for about 2 hours, dishes didn't get done, dinner was late...oops) And I noticed that my 3 Oscellaris clownfish have little black freckles developing on them. They weren't there last week. What is this? Could it be just a change in their...
  4. lady becca

    Is this good substrate?

    Being new to this, and not finding this forum before beginning, I purchased the following substrate... Seaflor Special Grade Reef SandTM From CaribSea Is this ok? Is this the 'sand' that everyone is talking about? there is CaribSea's web address, it has a picture of the substrate on it...
  5. lady becca

    New Avatar Size!!!

    I realize this is a really stupid question... How do you use an Avatar? I can't figure out how to post one.
  6. lady becca

    Substrate Question

    I need an opinion on our substrate... We are using: Seaflor Special Grade Reef SandTM From CaribSea. I can't get the pic from the website. So here is the web addess that shows a pic of the substrate. ***Deleted*** Can you please tell me if this is the type of Sand that you are speaking of...
  7. lady becca

    What is the Best Starfish

    What is the best star fish for a reef tank? I have a 75g tank Current Stock List: 3 Oscellaris Clowns 1 Bass 3 Peppermint shrimp 2 Black cucumbers 7 Mushroom Corals 1 Candycane Coral 1 Kenya Tree I want to get a safe starfish for cleaning purposes. But which one? :rolleyes:
  8. lady becca

    Question about Starfish

    We are thinking about adding a starfish to our 75g tank. We "were" looking into the brittle stars, but we have recently read that they eat fish. Has anyone here had troubles? What other types of starfish do you recommend? :D
  9. lady becca

    Crushed Coral substrate turning Pink!

    I was thinking and I looked on the Carib Sea website to find out what substrate I put in the tank (I remember the bag). This is what I used Seaflor Special Grade Reef SandTM From CaribSea. It is bigger sized than plain sand, but not as big at the crushed coral. So maybe I have an ok...
  10. lady becca

    Crushed Coral substrate turning Pink!

    We use RO water. I thought syphoning was bad.
  11. lady becca

    Crushed Coral substrate turning Pink!

    The substrate is aragonite. We have a Power compact light. You are not being mean at all. I am just looking for some kind of answers. The live rock we have was completely cured. And sat in our very trusted friend-supplier tanks for 3 weeks before we got our tank in. Even he said that our...
  12. lady becca

    Crushed Coral substrate turning Pink!

    Ok. Well this is going to sound wierd. We set up our tank 3 weeks ago. We have 75lbs of Live Rock. 80lbs of crushed coral. All water parameters are 0. Salinity is 1.023. PH = 8.2. We have 1 Kenya Tree soft coral, 4 mushrooms, 2 green hairies. and 3 oscellaris clownfish. The water parameters...
  13. lady becca

    Crushed Coral substrate turning Pink!

    I am noticing that our crushed coral substrate is starting to get pink patches on it. What is it? How do I get rid of it?:confused: