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  1. jerseyjess21

    451$$ electric bill???

    Im not sure if anyone mentioned this but you can get a voltage meter to figure out how much your tank is giving off and if you could reduce any of it... Whoever said the thing about computers running is expensive. Good call, I have 2 sw tanks and a house full of reptiles. I leave my computer on...
  2. jerseyjess21


    Originally Posted by PerfectDark ALthough I am not an expert in diseses it would be difficult to nail down a specific parasite without any physical description or habits of your fish prior to them dying. A sudden amonia spike in your tank typically indicates die off of some type. The obvious is...
  3. jerseyjess21


    Hello. I have a 75 gallon tank that I set up this past Christmas. I have had problems up and down with the tank since then. Ive followed all the proper steps cycling the tank and starting with damsels and such. Ive also talked to many people about the tank while I was having problems and my...